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The Honorary Degrees and Awards Statute 2019

Pursuant to sections 192 and 194 of the Education Act 1989 and section 20 of the University of Auckland Act 1961 Council of the University makes the following statute:

1 This Statute may be cited as the Honorary Degrees and Awards Statute 2019 and shall come into force on the 22 October 2019.

2 Council may at its discretion:

a Confer the following honorary degrees:

Doctor of Laws

Doctor of Science

Doctor of Literature

Doctor of Music

Doctor of Engineering


b Award the title ‘Fellow of the University’ (‘Fellowship’).

3 University Honours Committee of Council shall consider nominations and make recommendations to the Council for the conferring of any honorary degree or fellowship under this Statute.

4 University Honours Committee shall henceforth consist of:

a the Chancellor who shall be the Chair of the Committee

b the Vice-Chancellor

c the Pro-Chancellor

d one member appointed by Council

e two members of Senate elected by Senate

f the student member of Council.

5 Council may, from time to time, approve guidelines for the award of honorary degrees and fellowships and, in making its recommendations, University Honours Committee shall ensure that it complies with all those guidelines.

6 Council may also, in its discretion and on the recommendation of University Honours Committee:

a award the title ‘Professor Emeritus’ to a retired member of the academic staff who held the office of a Professor of the University immediately before their retirement

b award the title ‘Distinguished Professor Emeritus’ to a retired member of the academic staff who held the office of a Distinguished Professor of the University immediately before their retirement

c award the title ‘University Librarian Emeritus’ to a retired member of staff who held the office of University Librarian immediately before their retirement and who has a record of long and distinguished service to the University as the University Librarian.

7.1 University Honours Committee may recommend to Council, for the conferment of an Honorary Doctor’s degree:

a Any person who:

(i) is academically distinguished, or has made a distinguished contribution in fields relevant to the Unversity, and has, or has had, some intimate connection with the University


(ii) has shown strong interest in the well-being of the University by benefactions, or in other appropriate ways


(iii) is of international repute and is visiting, or has visited the University in an official capacity.

7.2 The contribution a current or retired staff member has made to the University in the course of their employment shall not be grounds for the award of an Honorary Doctor’s degree.

7.3 University Honours Committee may recommend to Council, for the conferment of a Fellowship, a person who:

a has made a unique and valuable contribution to the University


b is not a permanent member of staff.

8 A nomination for the conferment of an honorary degree or a fellowship may be made by any three persons each of whom is a member of Council or of Senate or of both these bodies; and shall be made confidentially to the Vice-Chancellor in accordance with the relevant provisions of the guidelines in force under Clause 5 of this Statute.

9 The Honorary Degrees and Awards Statute 1998 is hereby repealed.
