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Regulations - Science

Postgraduate Diploma in Science – PGDipSci

The regulations for this postgraduate diploma are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this postgraduate diploma, a student needs to have:

a completed the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science from this University with a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher in 75 points above Stage II, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


b (i) passed the prerequisites for the courses in the selected subject for the Postgraduate Diploma in Science


(ii) attained a level of competence equivalent to the prerequisites for the courses in the selected subject for Postgraduate Diploma in Science as approved by Senate or its representative.

2 A student may, if Senate or its representative gives approval, enrol for this postgraduate diploma without having fulfilled all the prerequisite requirements, provided that the relevant Head of Department or Director of School may require any such student to enrol for any or all of the prerequisite courses not already passed in addition to the normal requirements of this programme.

3 A student who has not completed the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Science but who has passed courses with a total value of at least 345 points towards that degree may, with the approval of the relevant Head of Department or Director of School, enrol for this postgraduate diploma. The remaining courses for the Bachelor of Science must be taken and passed within 12 months of initial enrolment for this postgraduate diploma. Should the requirements for the Bachelor of Science not be completed within these 12 months, enrolment for the Postgraduate Diploma in Science will be suspended until the requirements for the Bachelors degree are completed.


(i) This programme includes some specialisations that are limited entry as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Science.

(ii) Equivalent qualifications may include the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Optometry, Bachelor of Planning, Bachelor of Urban Planning or Bachelor of Urban Planning (Honours).

(iii) Relevant subjects may include applied mathematics, bioinformatics, biological sciences, biomedical science, biosecurity, conservation, biotechnology, chemistry, clinical exercise physiology, computer science, earth sciences, environmental management, environmental science, exercise sciences, food science, geography, geology, geophysics, green chemical science, logic and computation, marine science, mathematics, medical statistics, optometry, pharmacology, physics, physiology, psychology, speech science, statistics or wine science.

Duration and Total Points Value

4 A student enrolled for this postgraduate diploma must:

a pass courses with a total value of 120 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Postgraduate Diplomas.

5 The total enrolment for this postgraduate diploma must not exceed 160 points.

Structure and Content

6 A student enrolled for this postgraduate diploma must complete the requirements for one of the specialisations listed in the Postgraduate Diploma in Science Schedule.

7 A dissertation or research project of up to 45 points may be included as listed in the Postgraduate Diploma in Science Schedule.

8 Courses selected for this qualification are subject to confirmation by the relevant Academic Head or nominee.

9 A student admitted to this programme must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

Dissertation / Research Project

10 a A dissertation or research project, when included in the programme, is to be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by the Academic Head or nominee.

b The dissertation or research project topic must be approved by the Academic Head or nominee prior to enrolment.

c The dissertation or research project is to be completed and submitted in accordance with the General Regulations – Postgraduate Diplomas.


11 This postgraduate diploma may be awarded with Distinction or Merit in accordance with the General Regulations – Postgraduate Diplomas.


12 In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


13 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Postgraduate Diploma in Science (PGDipSci) Schedule

Specialisations available:

Applied Mathematics

Prerequisite: A major in Applied Mathematics or Mathematics, or an equivalent subject approved by the Academic Head or nominee, including MATHS 340, 361, and MATHS 362 or 363, or equivalent courses approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 60 points from MATHS 761–770

up to 60 points from approved 700 level courses in Mathematics or related subjects with approval of the Head of Department


The PGDipSci in Bioinformatics was suspended in 2020. Students who have a current enrolment in this subject should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

Prerequisite: A BSc with a major in Bioinformatics or Biological Sciences and COMPSCI 220, or equivalent as approved by the Programme Director.


45 points from BIOINF 702, 704, BIOSCI 702

75 points from BIOINF 701, BIOSCI 733, 737, 752, 755–758, 761 COMPSCI 715, 720, 732, 760, 767, MATHS 764, STATS 720, 721, 730, 731, 732, 761, 783, 784, or related 700 level courses, as approved by the Programme Director

Biological Sciences

Prerequisite: A major in Biological Sciences or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 90 points from BIOSCI 700–704, 724–761, 763–766

up to 30 points from 700 level courses in a related subject as approved by the Programme Director

Biosecurity and Conservation

Prerequisite: A major in Biological Sciences or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


30 points: BIOSCI 747, 748

at least 60 points from BIOSCI 761 or ENVSCI 701, BIOSCI 724, 730, 731, 733–735, 738, 739, 751, 760, 763, 766, ENVMGT 746, ENVSCI 705, 708, 711, 734, 737, STATS 776

up to 30 points from 700 level courses in Biological Sciences, Environmental Management, Environmental Science


Prerequisite: A major in Biotechnology or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points: SCIENT 703

15 points from BIOSCI 701, 704

at least 60 points from BIOSCI 700–702, 736–738, 741, 746, 749, 751–761, 764–765

up to 30 points from other approved 700 level courses offered at this University


Prerequisite: A major in Chemistry, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 90 points from CHEM 710–780, 795

up to 30 points from 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects with approval of the Programme Director

Note: Students intending to study for a Master of Science in Chemistry must take CHEM 795.

Clinical Exercise Physiology

New admissions into the PGDipSci in Clinical Exercise Physiology were suspended in 2024. Students who have a current enrolment in this subject should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

Prerequisite: A major in Exercise Sciences or Sport and Exercise Science, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee including EXERSCI 301 or an equivalent course approved by the Academic Head or nominee


90 points: EXERSCI 720, 721, 776, 777

30 points from approved 700 level courses in the Faculty of Science approved by the Academic Head or nominee

Computer Science

Prerequisite: A major in Computer Science, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 90 points from BIOSCI 700, COMPSCI 691, 701–716, 720–777, 780

up to 30 points from 700 level courses in a related subject with approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Earth Sciences

Prerequisite: A major in Earth Sciences or Geology, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee, or a major in Geography including GEOG 330, 331, 334, 351, 360 or equivalent courses approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 90 points from ASTRO 720, EARTHSCI 700–772

up to 30 points from ENVPHYS 702, GEOG 745, 746, 771 or other 700 level courses as approved by the Programme Director

Environmental Management

Prerequisite: Bachelors degree approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points from ENVMGT 701, GEOG 701

at least 60 points from ENVMGT 741–762

up to 45 points from 700 level courses as approved by the Programme Coordinator

Environmental Physics

Prerequisite: A major in Environmental Physics, Geophysics or its equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


45 points from ENVPHYS 700–703, PHYSICS 743

a further 75 points from ENVPHYS 700–703, 770 or other 600 or 700 level courses in Earth Sciences, Geography, Geographic Information Science, Mathematics, Physics or other subjects offered by the Faculty of Science approved by the Academic Head or nominee

Environmental Science

Prerequisite: A Science subject approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points: ENVSCI 711

at least 60 points from ENVSCI 701, 704–708, 713–738, MARINE 707

up to a further 45 points from EARTHSCI 705, 720, GEOG 745–749, 770, 771, ENVMGT 742, 744, MARINE 703 or other approved 700 level courses

Exercise Sciences

Prerequisite: A major in Exercise Sciences or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points: EXERSCI 705

at least 45 points from 700 level courses in Exercise Sciences as approved by the Head of Department

up to 60 points from other 700 level courses offered at this University approved by the Academic Head or nominee

Food Science

Prerequisite: A major in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Food Science, specialisation in Food Science and Nutrition, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


75 points from CHEMMAT 757, FOODSCI 703, 706, 707, 708

45 points from approved 600 and 700 level courses


Prerequisite: A major in Earth Sciences or Geography, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee including 45 points at Stage III in Geography or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points: GEOG 701

at least 75 points from EARTHSCI 705, 722, 732, ENVMGT 741–762, ENVSCI 704, 705, 713, 737, 738, GEOG 714–779

up to 30 points from other approved 700 level courses offered at this University

Green Chemical Science

Prerequisite: A major or specialisation in Chemistry or Green Chemical Science, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee, including CHEM 360 and ENVSCI 301 or equivalent courses approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 60 points from CHEM 710–751, 780, 795

30 points: CHEM 760, ENVSCI 714

up to 30 points from 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects with approval from the Programme Director

Logic and Computation

Prerequisite: A major in Logic and Computation or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points from COMPSCI 720, 750, 760, 767

15 points from PHIL 736–738

90 points from COMPSCI 720, 750, 760, 767, LINGUIST 721, 724, LOGICOMP 701–705, MATHS 713, 715, PHIL 736–738

Marine Science

Prerequisite: A major in Biological Sciences, Environmental Science, or Marine Science, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points: MARINE 701

15 points from BIOSCI 761, CHEM 795, ENVSCI 701

90 points from the following 700 level courses including at least two of the following subject areas: BIOSCI 724–727, 733, 738, 739, 749, EARTHSCI 720, ENVMGT 742, 744, 748, ENVSCI 704, 714, FOODSCI 703, 708, GEOG 746, 771, GEOPHYS 711–713, 761, MARINE 702–707, STATS 767, or other 700 level courses approved by the Programme Coordinator


Prerequisite: A major in Mathematics or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee, including MATHS 332, and MATHS 320 or 328 or equivalent courses approved by the Academic Head or nominee. MATHS 302 may be substituted for one of MATHS 320, 328, 332


at least 75 points from MATHS 701–710, 712–770, 781–784, 786–789

up to 45 points from approved 600 level courses in Mathematics or from MATHS 701–710, 712–770, 781–784, 786–789 or related subjects, with the approval of the Head of Department

Medical Statistics

Prerequisite: A major in Statistics or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee including STATS 210 or 225 or an equivalent course approved by the Academic Head or nominee


45 points: POPLHLTH 708, STATS 770, 773

15 points from STATS 779, 782

at least 30 points from POPLHLTH 708, 709, 711, 767, STATS 702, 703, 705, 708–787

up to 30 points from 700 level courses in Statistics or related subjects, as approved by the Programme Director


New admissions into the PGDipSci in Optometry were suspended in 2023 for 2024 onwards. Students who have a current enrolment in this subject should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

Prerequisite: A specialisation in Optometry or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


120 points from OPTOM 751, 752, 757, 759


at least 90 points from OPTOM 751, 752, 757, 759

up to 30 further points, subject to approval by the Head of Department, from approved 600 or 700 level courses in a related subject


Prerequisite: A major in Pharmacology or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 60 points from MEDSCI 700, 701, 715–723, 735, 744, 745

up to 60 points from other 600 or 700 level courses as approved by the Head of Department


Prerequisite: A major in Physics or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


75 points from PHYSICS 625–681, 691, 701–787, 788


a further 45 points from GEOPHYS 761, 780, MATHS 761–770, PHYSICS 625–681, 691, 701–787, 788


at least 15 points from GEOPHYS 761, 780, MATHS 761–770, PHYSICS 625–681, 691, 701–787, 788

up to 30 points, subject to the approval of the Head of Department, from approved 600 and 700 level courses in related subjects


Prerequisite: A major in Physiology or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points: MEDSCI 743

at least 60 points from MEDSCI 703, 727, 729, 733, 734, 738, 739, 744

up to 45 points from 700 level courses in a related subject approved by the Programme Director


Prerequisite: A major in Psychology or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee



120 points from EDUC 741, EXERSCI 711, INDIGEN 712, PSYCH 700–770, 775–779, PSYCHOL 700, 701


at least 90 points from EDUC 741, EXERSCI 711, INDIGEN 712, PSYCH 700–770, 775–779, PSYCHOL 700, 701

up to 30 points from other 600 or 700 level courses offered at this University approved by the Programme Director

Speech Science


60 points from SPCHSCI 701, 711–713, 722, 723, 733, 736, 743, 746, 751–754

60 points from other approved 600 or 700 level courses in Audiology, Computer Science, Engineering, Linguistics, Physiology, Psychology, Speech Science


Prerequisite: A major in Statistics or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee including STATS 210 or 225 or an equivalent course approved by the Academic Head or nominee


15 points from STATS 779, 782

at least 75 points from POPLHLTH 708, 709, 711, STATS 700–703, 705, 708–787

up to 30 points from 700 level courses in Statistics or related subjects, as approved by the Programme Director

Wine Science

Prerequisite: A major in Chemistry or specialisation in Food Science and Nutrition, or the equivalent approved by the Academic Head or nominee


at least 75 points from WINESCI 701–708

up to 45 points from approved 600 and 700 level courses in Biological Sciences, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Chemistry, Food Science or Geography
