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Regulations - Science

The Degree of Bachelor of Science – BSc

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Science.

Duration and Total Points Value

1 A student enrolled for this degree must follow a programme of the equivalent of six full-time semesters and pass courses with a total value of 360 points, unless credit is granted under the Admission Regulations and/or the Credit Regulations.

Structure and Content

2 Of the 360 points required for this degree, a student must pass:

a at least 300 points from courses listed as ‘Courses available for the BSc’ in the Bachelor of Science Schedule, including:

(i) at least 180 points above Stage I, including at least 75 points above Stage II

(ii) courses in a minimum of three subject codes listed in the Bachelor of Science Schedule

(iii) (a) at least one major, as listed in the Bachelor of Science Schedule, and 15 points from a capstone course listed in the Bachelor of Science Schedule


(b) one specialisation, as listed in the Bachelor of Science Schedule

b 30 points from courses offered in either the General Education Open Schedule or the General Education Faculty Schedule approved for this degree or from a combination of these schedules, and the Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar

c up to 30 points from courses available for other programmes offered at this University.

3 A student who is required to meet the Academic English Language Requirement, as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic English Language Requirement, of the University Calendar, may substitute an academic English language course approved by Senate or its representative for 15 points of General Education.

4 a A student may include one or more modules from the modules available in the Bachelor of Science Schedule. If the module is completed all the courses in the module will be counted under Regulation 2a.

b (i) One module from the Schedule of another degree may be included.

(ii) If a module from the Schedule of another degree is completed, the courses will be counted under Regulation 2a.

General Education Exemptions

5 a A student is exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules who has:


(i) completed an undergraduate degree at a tertiary institution


(ii) commenced study for this degree at a tertiary institution before 1 January 2006


(iii) been admitted to this degree having completed 240 points or more of degree-level study at another tertiary institution.

b A student who has been exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules must substitute 30 points from courses available for this degree.

c A student admitted to this degree, who has completed between 120 and 235 points inclusive of degree-level study at another tertiary institution, or who has completed a minimum of 50 points of study towards this degree in one semester at an overseas institution, either through an overseas exchange programme or through prior approval under the Credit Regulations, must pass:

(i) 15 points from courses offered in the General Education Schedules


(ii) a further 15 points from courses available for this degree.

d A student who has been fully or partially exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules is nonetheless required to complete the Academic Integrity course.

Practical Requirements

6 In any course that includes assessed practical work as well as other assessed work, it may be required that a student must obtain passes in both the practical and the other work in order to pass that course as a whole. Where this is specified a student who passes the practical work but who fails the other work may, at the discretion of the Academic Head, have the result for the practical work carried forward when the course is retaken.

Conjoint Degrees

7 Special arrangements apply where this degree is taken as a component degree of an approved conjoint combination. The specific requirements and a complete list of the conjoint degrees available are set out in the Conjoint Degrees section of the University Calendar.

Special Cases

8 a In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may permit a suitably qualified student to enrol directly in a Stage II course(s). If the student fails the Stage II course(s) but is certified by the examiners as having reached a pass in an equivalent Stage I course(s), the student may be credited with the appropriate Stage I course(s).

b If a student who is enrolled in and fails an advanced or accelerated Stage I course but is certified by the examiners as having reached a pass in an equivalent Stage I course in the same subject having a lower entry requirement, the student may be credited with the latter course. The relevant Academic Head shall certify to Senate or its representative that the failed course is an advanced or accelerated course.


9 In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


10 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2024.

Bachelor of Science (BSc) Schedule

Courses available for the BSc:


Stage I courses: ANTHRO 107–110

Stage II courses: ANTHRO 200, 201, 205–208, 227, 235, 252

Stage III courses: ANTHRO 306, 317, 318, 322, 328, 337, 348, 349, 352, 353, 367, 372, 399


Stage I courses: ASTRO 100, 110

Stage II course: ASTRO 200

Biological Sciences

Stage I courses: BIOSCI 100–109

Stage II courses: BIOSCI 201–220

Stage III courses: BIOSCI 300, 322–395, 399

Business Analytics

Only for students in the Information and Technology Management major

Stage II course: BUSAN 201

Stage III courses: BUSAN 300–302


Stage I courses: CHEM 100–150

Stage II courses: CHEM 200–260

Stage III courses: CHEM 300, 310–392, 397–399

Civil Engineering

Stage II courses: CIVIL 220, 221

Stage III course: CIVIL 322


Stage II course: COMMS 208

Computer Science

Stage I courses: COMPSCI 101–130

Stage II courses: COMPSCI 210–290

Stage III courses: COMPSCI 313–393, 399

Data Science

Stage I course: DATASCI 100

Earth Sciences

Stage I courses: EARTHSCI 105, 120

Stage II courses: EARTHSCI 202–220

Stage III courses: EARTHSCI 303–372, 390, 399


Stage III course: ECOLOG 301


Stage I courses: ECON 151, 152

Stage II courses: ECON 201, 211, 212, 221, 271

Stage III courses: ECON 301, 302, 303, 304, 311, 321, 341, 351, 352, 361, 372, 374, 375


Only for students in the Psychology major

Stage II courses: EDUC 200, 201, 221, 223

Stage III courses: EDUC 323, 352

Electrical Engineering

Only for students in the Physics major

Stage II courses: ELECTENG 209, 292

Stage III course: ELECTENG 303, 331

Engineering Science

Stage III course: ENGSCI 391

Environmental Change

Stage III course: ENVCHG 300

Environmental Engineering

Stage III course: ENVENG 333

Environmental Physics

Stage I course: ENVPHYS 100

Stage II course: ENVPHYS 200

Stage III courses: ENVPHYS 300, 301, 370, 399

Environmental Science

Stage I course: ENVSCI 101

Stage II courses: ENVSCI 201, 203, 204

Stage III courses: ENVSCI 301, 303, 304, 390, 399

Exercise Sciences

Stage I courses: EXERSCI 101–105

Stage II courses: EXERSCI 201–210, 271

Stage III courses: EXERSCI 301–310, 371, 399


Only for students in a Mathematics or Statistics major with a Grade Point Average of at least 5 and a B grade or higher in MATHS 120 and 130, or 153

Stage II course: FINANCE 261

Stage III courses: FINANCE 361, 362

Food Science

Stage I course: FOODSCI 100, 110

Stage II courses: FOODSCI 200, 202

Stage III courses: FOODSCI 301, 303, 306, 310, 399

Geographic Information Science

Stage II courses: GISCI 241, 242, 243

Stage III courses: GISCI 341, 343, 344, 390, 399


Stage I courses: GEOG 101–140

Stage II courses: GEOG 202–262

Stage III courses: GEOG 302–399

Information Management

Only for students in the Information and Technology Management major

Stage I course: INFOMGMT 192

Stage III course: INFOMGMT 399

Information Systems

Stage I course: INFOSYS 110

Stage II courses: INFOSYS 220–222

Stage III courses: INFOSYS 300, 302–306, 321, 341

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Only for students in the Biological Sciences major (Biotechnology pathway) and Information and Technology Management major

Stage II course: INNOVENT 203

Stage III course: INNOVENT 307


Stage I courses: LINGUIST 100, 101, 103

Stage II courses: LINGUIST 200, 201

Stage III courses: LINGUIST 300, 301, 305

Logic and Computation

Stage II course: LOGICOMP 201

Stage III courses: LOGICOMP 300–302, 399

Māori Studies

Stage I course: MĀORI 130

Marine Science

Stage I course: MARINE 100

Stage II course: MARINE 202, 203

Stage III courses: MARINE 302–303, 305–307, 399


Stage I courses: MATHS 102–199

Stage II courses: MATHS 200–270

Stage III courses: MATHS 302–384, 399

Medical Imaging

Only for students in the Biomedical Science specialisation

Stage III courses: MEDIMAGE 300, 302

Medical Science

Stage I course: MEDSCI 142

Stage II courses: MEDSCI 201–206

Stage III courses: MEDSCI 300–321, 399

Pacific Studies

Stage I course: PACIFIC 100


Stage I courses: PHIL 100, 101, 104, 105

Stage II courses: PHIL 200, 210, 216, 222, 250, 260, 261, 263

Stage III courses: PHIL 306, 315, 323, 351


Stage III course: PHARMCOL 399


Stage I courses: PHYSICS 100, 102–160

Stage II courses: PHYSICS 201–244

Stage III courses: PHYSICS 309, 331–390, 399


Stage III course: PHYSIOL 399


Stage I courses: PSYCH 108, 109

Stage II courses: PSYCH 200–209

Stage III courses: PSYCH 300–320, 326–328, 399


Stage II course: PŪTAIAO 200

Science General

Stage I courses: SCIGEN 101, 102

Stage II course: SCIGEN 201

Stage III courses: SCIGEN 301, 310, 399

Science Scholars

Only for Science Scholars students

Stage I course: SCISCHOL 100

Stage II course: SCISCHOL 202

Stage III course: SCISCHOL 302


Stage I courses: STATS 100–150

Stage II courses: STATS 201–255

Stage III courses: STATS 301–392, 399


Stage I course: SUSTAIN 100

Stage II course: SUSTAIN 200

Stage III course: SUSTAIN 300

Urban Planning

Only for students in the Geographic Information Science major

Stage I course: URBPLAN 103

Stage II courses: URBPLAN 203, 205

Wine Science

Stage II course: WINESCI 201

Capstone courses available:


BSc majors:

Anthropological Science

30 points from ANTHRO 107–110

30 points: ANTHRO 200, 201

15 points from ANTHRO 205–208, 227, 235, 252

45 points from ANTHRO 306, 317, 322, 337, 349, 352, 353, 367, 372

Biological Sciences


60 points: BIOSCI 101, 108, 109, STATS 101

15 points: BIOSCI 220

a further 30 points from BIOSCI 201–290

45 points from BIOSCI 300–395, MARINE 303

or one of the following pathways:

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

75 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 108, 109, STATS 101

15 points from CHEM 110, 120

45 points: BIOSCI 201, 203, 220

30 points: BIOSCI 350, 353

15 points from BIOSCI 326, 349, 351, 355, 356


75 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 108, 109, STATS 101

15 points from CHEM 110, 120

45 points: BIOSCI 220, INNOVENT 203, SCIGEN 201

30 points from BIOSCI 203–205

15 points: INNOVENT 307

45 points from BIOSCI 324, 326, 347, 348


60 points: BIOSCI 101, 108, 109, STATS 101

30 points: BIOSCI 206, 220

15 points from BIOSCI 204, 205, 207, 208

15 points from ENVSCI 201, MARINE 202, STATS 201

15 points: BIOSCI 333

15 points: BIOSCI 394

15 points from BIOSCI 325, 334, 338, 347, MARINE 303


60 points: BIOSCI 101, 108, 109, STATS 101

45 points: BIOSCI 202, 210, 220

45 points: BIOSCI 322, 355, 395


60 points: BIOSCI 101, 108, 109, STATS 101

15 points from CHEM 110, 120, 150

45 points: BIOSCI 201, 202, 220

30 points: BIOSCI 351, 355

15 points from BIOSCI 322, 324, 326, 347, 349, 353, 356

Marine Biology

60 points: BIOSCI 101, 108, 109, STATS 101

30 points: BIOSCI 206, 220

15 points from BIOSCI 207, 208

45 points: BIOSCI 328, 333, 334


75 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 108, 109, STATS 101

15 points from CHEM 110, 120, 150

15 points from BIOSCI 201, 202, 203

30 points: BIOSCI 204, 220

30 points: BIOSCI 347, 348

15 points from BIOSCI 324, 349

Plant Biology

60 points: BIOSCI 101, 108, 109, STATS 101

30 points: BIOSCI 205, 220

15 points from BIOSCI 202, 203, 204, 206

45 points: BIOSCI 324, 325, 326


60 points: BIOSCI 101, 108, 109, STATS 101

60 points: BIOSCI 207, 208, 210, 220

30 points: BIOSCI 335, 337

15 points from BIOSCI 334, 338


The BSc in Biotechnology was suspended in 2018. Students who have a current enrolment in this major should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

Not available for conjoints

Major must include:

60 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110 or 120

90 points: BIOSCI 201–204, SCIGEN 201, STATS 101, 108 or BIOSCI 209

60 points: BIOSCI 350, 351, 349 or 356, 353 or 354

30 points: INNOVENT 203, 204

30 points from BIOSCI 340, 347, 348, MEDSCI 314


30 points: CHEM 110, 120

15 points from MATHS 108, 110, 130, PHYSICS 120

45 points: CHEM 251, 252, 253

15 points: CHEM 351

30 points from CHEM 310, 320, 330, 340, 360, 380, 390

Computer Science

45 points: COMPSCI 110, 120, 130

45 points: COMPSCI 210, 220, 230

45 points from COMPSCI 300–379

Earth Sciences

30 points: EARTHSCI 120, GEOG 101

15 points: EARTHSCI 220

30 points from EARTHSCI 202, 203, 208

15 points: EARTHSCI 320

30 points from EARTHSCI 303–315, 361–372, 390, GEOG 331, 332, 351


The BSc in Ecology was suspended in 2018. Students who have a current enrolment in this major should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

75 points: BIOSCI 101, 104, ENVSCI 101, GEOG 101, STATS 101 or 108

45 points: BIOSCI 206, 209, ENVSCI 201

at least 15 points from BIOSCI 333, 394, 396, MARINE 303

45 points from ANTHRO 349, BIOSCI 320–337, 347, 394–396, ENVSCI 301, GEOG 317–320, 330–332

Environmental Physics

15 points: ENVPHYS 100

15 points from PHYSICS 120, 160


30 points: MATHS 108 or 110, 208


45 points: MATHS 120, 130, 250

15 points from MATHS 253, 260

45 points: ENVPHYS 200, 300, PHYSICS 201

15 points from EARTHSCI 361, PHYSICS 332

a further 15 points from COMPSCI 361, EARTHSCI 303–372, ENVPHYS 301, 370, ENVSCI 301, 303, GEOG 335, GISCI 341, MARINE 302, MATHS 361–363, PHYSICS 331–334, 340

Environmental Science

15 points: ENVSCI 101

15 points from STATS 101, 108

30 points: ENVSCI 201, 203

15 points from BIOSCI 206, 220, CHEM 260, GEOG 205, 210, 250, 261, 262, GISCI 241, 242, MARINE 202

30 points: ENVSCI 301, 303

15 points from BIOSCI 394, CHEM 360, ENVCHG 300, ENVSCI 304, 390, GEOG 352, GISCI 341, MARINE 302, 303

Exercise Sciences

45 points: EXERSCI 101, 103, 105

45 points from EXERSCI 201, 203, 205, 207

45 points from EXERSCI 301, 303, 304, 305, 307

or the following pathway:

Applied Exercise and Sport Sciences

45 points: EXERSCI 101, 103, 105

90 points: EXERSCI 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 271

90 points: EXERSCI 301, 303, 305, 307, 371, 399

Geographic Information Science

15 points from COMPSCI 130, STATS 101, 108, URBPLAN 125

a further 30 points from COMPSCI 130, GEOG 101–140, STATS 101

30 points: GISCI 241, 242

15 points from BIOSCI 220, COMPSCI 230, ENVSCI 203, STATS 201, 220, URBPLAN 203, 205

30 points from GEOG 342, GISCI 341, 343, 344

a further 15 points from COMPSCI 313–373, GEOG 342, GISCI 341, 343, 390, SCIGEN 301, STATS 301–389


30 points: GEOG 101, 102

15 points: GEOG 250

15 points from GEOG 202, 205, 261, 262

a further 15 points from EARTHSCI 220, GEOG 202, 205, 261, 262, GISCI 241, 242

45 points from EARTHSCI 303, GEOG 302–390, GISCI 341–344

Information and Technology Management

60 points: BUSAN 201, COMPSCI 101 or 130, INFOMGMT 192, INFOSYS 110

15 points from COMPSCI 230, INFOSYS 220

15 points from COMPSCI 215, INFOSYS 221, INNOVENT 203, OPSMGT 258, SCIGEN 201

45 points from BUSAN 300–302, 305, COMPSCI 345, INFOSYS 300, 302–306, 321, 341, OPSMGT 357

Logic and Computation

30 points: COMPSCI 120, PHIL 101

15 points from COMPSCI 130, LINGUIST 100, PHIL 105

15 points from COMPSCI 220, LINGUIST 200, PHIL 216

15 points from COMPSCI 225, MATHS 254

15 points: PHIL 222

30 points: COMPSCI 350, PHIL 315

30 points from COMPSCI 320, 367, LINGUIST 300, LOGICOMP 301, MATHS 315, PHIL 306, 323

Marine Science

30 points: MARINE 100, STATS 101

15 points from BIOSCI 108, 109

15 points from GEOG 101, 103

15 points: MARINE 202

15 points from BIOSCI 220, ENVSCI 203, STATS 201

15 points from BIOSCI 206, 208, GEOG 262, GISCI 241

15 points: MARINE 302

30 points from BIOSCI 328, 333, 334, EARTHSCI 303, GEOG 351, MARINE 303, 305, 306, 307



45 points from MATHS 120, 130, 162, 199

15 points: MATHS 250

30 points from MATHS 253, 254, 260, 270

45 points from MATHS 302–363

or one of the following pathways:

Applied Mathematics

45 points from MATHS 120, 130, 162, 199

45 points: MATHS 250, 260, 270

30 points: MATHS 340, 361

15 points from MATHS 362, 363

Pure Mathematics

45 points from MATHS 120, 130, 162, 199

45 points from MATHS 250, 253, 254

30 points: MATHS 320, 332

15 points from MATHS 315, 326, 328, 333, 340


30 points:CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142

15 points from BIOSCI 106, 107

15 points: MEDSCI 204

30 points from BIOSCI 203, MEDSCI 203, 205, 206

45 points: MEDSCI 318, 319, 320



15 points from PHYSICS 120, 160

15 points: PHYSICS 121


30 points: MATHS 108 or 110, 208


45 points: MATHS 120, 130, 250

15 points from MATHS 253, 260

45 points: PHYSICS 201–203, 244

15 points from ELECTENG 303, 331, MEDSCI 309, PHYSICS 309, 331–335, 340, 356, 371, 390

a further 30 points from PHYSICS 309, 331–335, 340, 356, 390

or one of the following pathways:

Medical Physics and Imaging Technology

15 points from PHYSICS 120, 160

30 points: BIOSCI 107, MEDSCI 142

90 points: MEDSCI 205, 206, PHYSICS 121, 201, 202, 244


30 points: MATHS 108 or 110, 208


45 points: MATHS 120, 130, 250

15 points from MATHS 253, 260

75 points: MEDSCI 309, PHYSICS 203, 333, 340, 390


15 points from PHYSICS 120, 160

15 points: PHYSICS 121


30 points: MATHS 108 or 110, 208


45 points: MATHS 120, 130, 250

15 points from MATHS 253, 260

75 points: ELECTENG 210 or 292, PHYSICS 201–203, 244

75 points: ELECTENG 209 or 331, 303, PHYSICS 333, 340, 390


30 points: BIOSCI 107, MEDSCI 142

15 points from CHEM 110, PHYSICS 120 or 160

30 points: MEDSCI 205, 206

15 points from MEDSCI 201, 203, 204

45 points from MEDSCI 309, 311, 312, 316, 317


30 points: PSYCH 108, 109

15 points from STATS 100–125

15 points from PSYCH 200–209

a further 30 points from EDUC 200, 221, 223, EXERSCI 207, PSYCH 200–209

15 points from PSYCH 300–326

a further 30 points from EDUC 323, 352, EXERSCI 307, PSYCH 300–326

or the following pathway:

Cognitive Neuroscience

30 points: PSYCH 108, 109

15 points from STATS 100–125

45 points from PSYCH 201, 202, 203

45 points from PSYCH 303, 305, 306



15 points from STATS 101–125

a further 15 points from DATASCI 100, STATS 101–150

15 points from STATS 201, 208, 210, 225

a further 30 points from STATS 201–255, MATHS 208 or 250

15 points from STATS 310, 325, 330, 380

a further 30 points from STATS 301–392, ENGSCI 391

or one of the following pathways:

Applied Statistics

15 points from STATS 101, 108

15 points from DATASCI 100, STATS 125, 150

15 points from STATS 201, 208

30 points from STATS 220, 240, 255

15 points from STATS 330, 380

a further 30 points from STATS 302, 326, 330, 331, 380, 383, 392, MATHS 302

Statistics and Probability

15 points from STATS 101, 108

15 points: STATS 125

15 points from MATHS 108–153

15 points from STATS 210, 225

a further 30 points from MATHS 208, 250, STATS 201, 208, 210, 220, 225, 240, 255

15 points from STATS 310, 325, 330, 380

a further 30 points from STATS 301–392, ENGSCI 391

BSc specialisations:

Biomedical Science

Not available for conjoint degree programmes


90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

15 points from BIOSCI 201–203

15 points from MEDSCI 201–206

45 points from BIOSCI 201–204, EXERSCI 206, MEDSCI 201–206

15 points: BIOSCI 220

60 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

or one of the following pathways:

Anatomical Imaging Science

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

15 points from BIOSCI 201–203

60 points: BIOSCI 220, MEDSCI 201, 203, 206

15 points from BIOSCI 201–204, EXERSCI 206, MEDSCI 201–206

45 points: MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300

15 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

75 points: BIOSCI 201, 202, 220, MEDSCI 203, 204

15 points from BIOSCI 203, MEDSCI 205

45 points: BIOSCI 356, MEDSCI 302, 319

15 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

Cardiovascular Biology

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

45 points: BIOSCI 220, MEDSCI 205, 206

15 points from BIOSCI 201, 203

15 points from BIOSCI 201, 203, MEDSCI 204

15 points from BIOSCI 201–204, EXERSCI 206, MEDSCI 201–206

30 points: MEDSCI 309, 311

15 points from BIOSCI 353, MEDSCI 320

15 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

45 points: BIOSCI 201, 203, 220

15 points from MEDSCI 201–206

30 points from BIOSCI 201–204, EXERSCI 206, MEDSCI 201–206

30 points: BIOSCI 350, 353

30 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399


90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

45 points: BIOSCI 201, 202, 220

15 points from MEDSCI 201–206

30 points from BIOSCI 201–204, EXERSCI 206, MEDSCI 201–206

30 points: BIOSCI 351, 355

30 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

Infection and Immunity

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

60 points: BIOSCI 201, 220, MEDSCI 202, 203

30 points from BIOSCI 201–204, EXERSCI 206, MEDSCI 201–206

45 points: BIOSCI 349, MEDSCI 301, 314

15 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399


90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

75 points: BIOSCI 220, MEDSCI 201, 204, 205, 206

15 points from BIOSCI 201–203

30 points: MEDSCI 317, 320

15 points from MEDSCI 309, 316

15 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

Nutrition and Metabolism

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

90 points: BIOSCI 202, 203, 220, EXERSCI 206, MEDSCI 203, 205

45 points: BIOSCI 358, MEDSCI 312, 315

15 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

Reproduction and Development

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160

90 points: BIOSCI 201–203, 220, MEDSCI 201, 205

45 points: BIOSCI 356, MEDSCI 312, 313

15 points from BIOSCI 347–358, MEDIMAGE 300, 302, MEDSCI 300–320

15 points: BIOMED 399

Data Science

Not available for conjoint degree programmes

60 points: COMPSCI 120, 130, STATS 101, 125


15 points: MATHS 108


30 points: MATHS 120, 130

90 points: COMPSCI 220, 225, MATHS 208 or 250, STATS 201, 210 or 225, 220

90 points: COMPSCI 320, 351, 367 or 361, STATS 330, 369, 380

15 points from COMPSCI 399, DATASCI 399, STATS 399

Food Science and Nutrition

Not available for conjoint degree programmes

either of the following pathways

Food Science

75 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, CHEM 110, 120, FOODSCI 100

15 points from STATS 101, 108

15 points from MATHS 108, 110

60 points: BIOSCI 203, 204, FOODSCI 200, 202

60 points: BIOSCI 348, FOODSCI 301, 306, 310

15 points: FOODSCI 399



105 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, FOODSCI 100, MEDSCI 142, POPLHLTH 111

15 points from STATS 101, 108

105 points: BIOSCI 202, 203, EXERSCI 206, FOODSCI 200, MEDSCI 203, 205, POPLHLTH 206

60 points: BIOSCI 358, FOODSCI 310, MEDSCI 315, POPLHLTH 305

15 points from FOODSCI 301, MEDSCI 301, 312

15 points from BIOSCI 201, FOODSCI 301, MEDSCI 301, POPLHLTH 301, SCIGEN 201

15 points: FOODSCI 399

Green Chemical Science

Not available for conjoint degree programmes

75 points: BIOSCI 106, CHEM 110, 120, ENVSCI 101, PHYSICS 160

15 points from MATHS 108, 110, 120, 130, STATS 101, 108

15 points from BIOSCI 101, 109, EARTHSCI 120, GEOG 101, MEDSCI 142, SCIGEN 101, SUSTAIN 100

75 points: CHEM 251, 252, 253, 260, ENVSCI 201

15 points from BIOSCI 203, 204, 206, CHEM 254, EARTHSCI 261, GEOPHYS 213, MEDSCI 204, SCIGEN 201, SUSTAIN 200

45 points: CHEM 351, 360, ENVSCI 301

15 points from CHEM 397, 399

15 points from CHEM 310, 320, 330, 340, 352, 380, 390, SUSTAIN 300

15 points from BIOSCI 333, 347, ENVSCI 303, MARINE 303, SCIGEN 301

Medicinal Chemistry

Not available for conjoint degree programmes

90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, 120, MEDSCI 142

15 points from MATHS 108, 110, 130, PHYSICS 120, 160, STATS 101

90 points: BIOSCI 201, 203, CHEM 251, 253, MEDSCI 204, 205

15 points from BIOSCI 202, 204, CHEM 252, 254, 260, MEDSCI 202, 203

60 points: CHEM 330, 390, 392, MEDSCI 318

15 points from BIOSCI 349, 351, 353, 355, 356, CHEM 320, 340, 351, 360, MEDSCI 319, 320

15 points from CHEM 398, 399

Quantitative Economics

Not available for conjoint degree programmes

75 points: ECON 151, 152, MATHS 120, 130, 162

60 points: ECON 201, 211, 221, MATHS 250

45 points: ECON 301, 311, 321

30 points from MATHS 254, 260, 270

30 points from MATHS 320–363

15 points: MATHS 399

Modules available:

Data Analysis

15 points from STATS 101, 108

15 points from STATS 201, 208

15 points from STATS 302, 330, 383

Exercising the Body and Mind

30 points: EXERSCI 105, 307

15 points from EXERSCI 201, 207, 304

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

15 points from INNOVATE 100, 100G

15 points: INNOVENT 204

15 points from INNOVENT 307–310

Quantitative Critical Thinking and Communication

30 points: SCIGEN 101, STATS 150

15 points from STATS 201, 208

Science in Society

45 points: SCIGEN 101, 201, 301

Science Scholars

Only for Science Scholars students

15 points from MĀORI 130, 130G, PHIL 100, SCIGEN 101, 101G, SCISCHOL 100

30 points: SCISCHOL 202, 302

Software Development

45 points from COMPSCI 101, 130, 230, 235, 331

Spatial Data Analysis

30 points from GEOG 103, GISCI 241, 242

15 points from GISCI 341, 343

Studies in Food and Health

30 points: FOODSCI 100, 200

15 points from FOODSCI 301, EXERSCI 206

Studies in Urban Wellbeing

Note: This module was suspended in 2021. Students who have a current enrolment in this module should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

30 points: GEOG 104, SOCSCIPH 200

15 points from GEOG 305, 307, SOCSCIPH 300


45 points: SUSTAIN 100, 200, 300
