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Regulations - Medical And Health Sciences

Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy – PGDipClinPharm

The regulations for this postgraduate diploma are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this postgraduate diploma, a student must:

a have completed the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy from this University, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


b hold current registration as a pharmacist in New Zealand.

2 A student who has completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy or its equivalent may, on the recommendation of the Head of School of Pharmacy, and with the approval of Senate or its representative, credit to this postgraduate diploma the courses passed for the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy.

3 In order to be admitted to the Specialisation in Prescribing, an applicant must:

a hold an appropriate position involving patient care approved by the Programme Director


b have access to a designated medical prescriber who is acceptable to the Programme Director.

4 A student who has completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy in one specialisation may, with the permission of the Associate Dean Academic, enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy in another specialisation.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

Duration and Total Points Value

5 A student enrolled for this postgraduate diploma must:

a pass courses with a total value of 120 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Postgraduate Diplomas.

6 The total enrolment for this postgraduate diploma must not exceed 160 points.

Structure and Content

7 Of the 120 points required for this postgraduate diploma, a student must pass 120 points in courses listed in the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy Schedule or the specialisation listed in the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy Schedule.

8 A student must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

Practical Requirements

9 A student enrolled for this postgraduate diploma must carry out satisfactorily such practice activities as the Programme Director may require.


10 This postgraduate diploma may be awarded with Distinction or Merit as specified in the General Regulations – Postgraduate Diplomas.


11 In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


12 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy (PGDipClinPharm) Schedule


120 points: PHARMACY 764–767

Specialisation available:



120 points: PHARMACY 764–766, 770
