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Regulations - Medical And Health Sciences

The Degree of Bachelor of Optometry – BOptom

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this degree a student must have:

a (i) completed the requirements for courses listed in Part I of the Bachelor of Optometry Schedule, or an equivalent programme of study deemed appropriate by Senate or its representative, with a Grade Point Average of 5.5 or higher in the courses specified


(ii) successfully completed, no more than five years prior to the date of application, with at least the equivalent of a Grade Point Average of 5.5 or higher, a degree or postgraduate diploma deemed appropriate by Senate or its representative


(iii) met the requirements of a special entry scheme


b demonstrated in accordance with approved selection criteria the qualities determined by the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences as appropriate for a person seeking a qualification as an optometrist. This requirement will normally include an interview.

2 Students admitted under Regulation 1a(ii) or 1a(iii) may be required to successfully complete some or all of the courses listed in Part I in the Bachelor of Optometry Schedule prior to Part II.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

Duration and Total Points Value

3 a A student admitted to this degree must follow a programme of the equivalent of ten full-time semesters and pass courses with a total value of 600 points, unless credit is granted under the Admission Regulations and/or the Credit Regulations.

b Enrolment must normally be continuous.

c Interrupted study may be resumed only with the approval of, and on conditions set by, Senate or its representative.

Structure and Content

4 Of the 600 points required for this degree, a student must pass:

a 585 points: Parts I, II, III, IV and V as listed in the Bachelor of Optometry Schedule, including either WTRMHS 100 or WTRSCI 100


b 15 points from courses offered in either the General Education Open Schedule or the General Education Faculty Schedule approved for this degree.

5 A student must complete the Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

6 A student who is required to meet the Academic English Language Requirement, as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic English Language Requirement, of the University Calendar, may substitute an academic English language course approved the Programme Director for 15 points of General Education.

7 In exceptional circumstances up to 120 points of credit as approved by the Head of School may be substituted for Part I or parts thereof.

8 Each Part must normally be completed before the next Part may be taken. However, a student who has failed to pass one of those Parts in its entirety may be allowed, at the discretion of the Programme Director, to enrol for the course or courses needed to complete that Part together with a course or courses towards the next Part.

General Education Exemptions

9 a A student is exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules who has:


(i) completed an undergraduate degree at a tertiary institution


(ii) commenced study for this degree at a tertiary institution before 1 January 2006


(iii) been admitted to this degree having completed 240 points or more of degree-level study at another tertiary institution


(iv) completed a minimum of 50 points of study towards this degree in one semester at an overseas institution, either through an overseas exchange programme or through prior approval under the Credit Regulation.

b A student who has been exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules must substitute 15 points from other undergraduate courses offered at this University approved by the Head of School of Optometry and Vision Science or nominee.

c A student admitted to this degree, who has completed between 120 and 235 points inclusive of degree-level study at another tertiary institution, must pass 15 points from the courses offered in the General Education Schedules.

d A student who has been fully or partially exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules is nonetheless required to complete the Academic Integrity course.

Enrolment for Two Programmes

10 A student may not be enrolled in this degree at the same time as in another programme, unless special permission is given by Senate or its representative.

Practical Requirements

11 a A student enrolled for this degree must carry out satisfactorily such practical or clinical work as the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences may require.

b In any course that includes both a final written examination and practical or clinical work, a student must pass both the final written examination and the practical or clinical work to pass that course as a whole. However, a student who passes the practical or clinical work but fails the final written examination may, at the discretion of the Head of School, have the result for the practical or clinical work for that failed course carried forward when the course is repeated.

c A student who repeats any course may also be required to undertake such additional practical or clinical work as the Head of School of Optometry and Vision Science determines.

d Where a weakness occurs in the clinical practice component, in accordance with the Deferred Results provisions of the Examination Regulations, students will be required to be enrolled and pay tuition fees at the rate of 10 points for each two-month period or part thereof. This provision will only apply when the student’s current enrolment period has ended.

Fitness to Practise Requirements

12 a In order to complete the requirements for this degree, a student must meet the applicable fitness to practise requirements for this programme, as outlined in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences’ Fitness to Practise Policy.

b Where a student is being investigated with regard to a fitness to practise matter under the policy, and there is a concern that the student’s attitudes or behaviour are inappropriate, offensive, disruptive, or may pose a risk of harm to the welfare of any party, that student’s attendance at lectures, classes and any clinical, industry or practise attachments may be suspended by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences pending the outcome of the investigation.

c If a student is found, after due and fair inquiry, and taking into account any written response from the student, to be not fit to practise, the student’s enrolment in the programme may be suspended or terminated in accordance with the policy.

d Where a student’s enrolment in the programme has been terminated under Regulation 12c, any application to re-enrol may be declined.

e A student whose enrolment is suspended or terminated under Regulation 12c or their application to re-enrol declined under Regulation 12d may apply to the Provost for the appeal of that decision in accordance with the policy.


13 a This degree may be awarded with Honours where a student’s overall grade is sufficiently high. There are two classes of Honours: First Class Honours and Second Class Honours. Second Class Honours are awarded in either First Division or Second Division.

b Honours may normally be awarded only if the requirements for this degree are completed within ten semesters of initial enrolment for the degree. In exceptional circumstances however, Senate or its representative may approve an extension of this period for not more than two further semesters.


14 In exceptional circumstances the Programme Director may approve a variation to a student’s programme of study in accordance with the Enrolment and Programme Regulations.


15 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Bachelor of Optometry (BOptom) Schedule


Part I

105 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, PHYSICS 160, POPLHLTH 111

15 points from WTRMHS 100, WTRSCI 100

Part II

105 points: MEDSCI 203, OPTOM 216, 263, 272

15 points from courses listed in General Education Schedules approved for this degree

Part III

120 points: OPTOM 316, 345, 353, 375, MEDSCI 202

Part IV

90 points: OPTOM 416, 430, 442, 450

30 points: OPTOM 783 Research Project

Part V

120 points: OPTOM 510, 520, 561

as required under Regulation 11c, and with permission of the Head of School, OPTOM 392, 492, 592
