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Regulations - Education And Social Work

The Degree of Bachelor of Social Work – BSW

New admissions into the Bachelor of Social Work were suspended in 2024. Students who have a current enrolment in this subject should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 To be admitted to this programme a student must:

a meet University entry criteria


b have personal qualities suitable for becoming a social worker. Personal references and an interview will normally be required.


(i) This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Education and Social Work.

(ii) The applicant will be required to consent to a Police check to ensure they meet the requirements of the Social Workers Registration Act 2003.

Duration and Total Points Value

2 A student enrolled for this degree must pass courses with a total value of 480 points, unless credit is granted under the Admission Regulations and/or the Credit Regulations.

Structure and Content

3 Of the 480 points required for this degree, a student must pass:

a at least 450 points from the Bachelor of Social Work Schedule

b 30 points from courses offered in either the General Education Open Schedule or the General Education Faculty Schedule approved for this degree or from a combination of these schedules, and the Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

4 A student who is required to meet the Academic English Language Requirement, as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic English Language Requirement, of the University Calendar, must complete ENGLISH 121G to fulfill their General Education requirement, or with approval from Senate or its representative, may substitute an alternative Academic English Language Requirement course for 15 points of General Education.

5 The programme for each student must be approved by the Head of Programme.

English Language Requirements

6 A student enrolled for this degree must demonstrate competence in the English language, by passing EDUCSW 199, as prescribed by the Faculty of Education and Social Work, before enrolment in SOCWORK 317.

General Education Exemptions

7 a A student is exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules who has:


(i) completed an undergraduate degree at a tertiary institution


(ii) commenced study for this degree at a tertiary institution before 1 January 2006


(iii) been admitted to this degree having completed 240 points or more of degree-level study at another tertiary institution.

b A student who has been exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules must substitute 30 points from courses approved by the Dean of Faculty of Education and Social Work.

c A student admitted to this degree, who has completed between 120 and 235 points inclusive of degree-level study at another tertiary institution, or who has completed a minimum of 50 points of study towards this degree in one semester at an overseas institution, either through an overseas exchange programme or through prior approval under the Credit Regulations, must pass:

(i) 15 points from courses offered in the General Education Schedules


(ii) a further 15 points from courses approved by the Dean of Faculty of Education and Social Work.

d A student who has been fully or partially exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules is nonetheless required to complete the Academic Integrity course.

Practical and Professional Requirements

8 a At the discretion of Senate or its representative, a student who does not pass a Professional Practice course (SOCWORK 221, 280, 317, 411, 415) may be declined permission to re-enrol for this degree.

b Re-enrolment in any of SOCWORK 221, 280, 317, 411 or 415 after failing that course requires the permission of the Dean of Faculty of Education and Social Work.

c A student must continue to meet the requirements for registration throughout the duration of enrolment in the programme.

Termination of Enrolment

9 a If the behaviour of a student in a learning or practice environment is found, after due and fair inquiry, to be offensive, disruptive or likely to give rise to a risk of harm to the welfare of any person, the enrolment of the student in the programme may be terminated by Senate or its representative and any application to re-enrol may likewise be declined.

b A student who is subject to any such inquiry may be suspended by Senate or its representative from lectures, classes and any practice placement pending the outcome of the inquiry.

c A student whose enrolment is terminated under Regulation 9a may appeal that decision to the Council or its duly appointed delegate.


10 In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


11 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Schedule



90 points from SOCWORK 100–102, 180–183

120 points from SOCWORK 200–202, 221, 280–283

105 points: SOCCHFAM 332, SOCHLTH 313, SOCWORK 311, 312, 315, 317

105 points: SOCWORK 401, 411, 413, 426, 427

at least 30 points from SOCCHFAM 382, 431, 482, SOCHLTH 334, 381, 432, 481, SOCWORK 353–383, 484, SOCYOUTH 300, 483

30 points from courses offered in the General Education Schedules approved for this degree

Majors available:

Child and Family Practice

The BSW in Child and Family Practice was suspended in 2016. Students who have a current enrolment in this major should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

Requirement: 450 points including

105 points: HUMSERV 101, 102, SOCWORK 111–115

105 points: SOCCHFAM 215, 232, SOCWORK 211–214, 216

135 points: SOCCHFAM 314, 332, SOCHLTH 313, SOCWORK 311, 312, 315, 317, 356

90 points: SOCCHFAM 431, SOCWORK 411, 413–415

at least 15 points from SOCCHFAM 382, 482, SOCHLTH 334, 381, 432, 481, SOCWORK 353–383, 484, SOCYOUTH 483

Health Social Work Practice

The BSW in Health Social Work Practice was suspended in 2016. Students who have a current enrolment in this major should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

Requirement: 450 points including

105 points: HUMSERV 101, 102, SOCWORK 111–115

105 points: SOCCHFAM 215, SOCHLTH 231, SOCWORK 211–214, 216

135 points: SOCCHFAM 314, SOCHLTH 313, 334, SOCWORK 311, 312, 315, 317, 356

90 points: SOCHLTH 432, SOCWORK 411, 413–415

at least 15 points from SOCCHFAM 382, 431, 482, SOCHLTH 381, 481, SOCWORK 353, 383, 484, SOCYOUTH 483

Youth Services Practice

The BSW in Youth Services Practice was suspended in 2016. Students who have a current enrolment in this major should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

Requirement: 450 points including

105 points: HUMSERV 101, 102, SOCWORK 111–115

105 points: SOCCHFAM 215, SOCWORK 211–214, 216, SOCYOUTH 233

135 points: SOCCHFAM 314, SOCHLTH 313, SOCWORK 311, 312, 315, 317, 356, SOCYOUTH 300

90 points: SOCYOUTH 433, SOCWORK 411, 413–415

at least 15 points from SOCCHFAM 382, 431, 482, SOCHLTH 334, 381, 481, SOCWORK 383, 484, SOCYOUTH 483
