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Regulations - Creative Arts And Industries

The Degree of Master of Design – MDes

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this degree, a student must have completed the requirements for:


a (i) a Bachelors degree from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in 75 points above Stage II, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


(ii) (a) a Bachelors degree from this University or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


(b) the Postgraduate Certificate in Design from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, provided that the postgraduate certificate has not been awarded


b a Bachelors Honours degree from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative.

2 In exceptional circumstance Senate or its representative may approve admission of a student who has:

a attained extensive relevant practical, professional or scholarly experience deemed equivalent by Senate or its representative to the requirement in Regulation 1


b performed at an acceptable level in any tests of academic aptitude, portfolio and/or interviews prescribed by Senate or its representative.

Duration and Total Points Value

3 A student enrolled for this degree under Regulation 1b must:

a pass courses with a total value of 120 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 160 points for the total enrolment in this degree.

4 A student admitted to this degree under Regulation 1a or 2 must:

a pass courses with a total value of 180 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 220 points for the total enrolment in this degree.

Structure and Content

5 A student enrolled for this degree must complete the requirements as listed in the Master of Design Schedule.

6 A student who has to complete 180 points must achieve a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in the first 60 points of taught courses to enrol in either DESIGN 794 or 795.

7 A student must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

Research Portfolio / Thesis

8 a The research portfolio or thesis is to be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by Senate or its representative.

b The thesis topic must be approved by the Academic Head or nominee prior to enrolment.

c The research portfolio or thesis is to be completed and submitted in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


9 A student may apply to reassign courses passed to the Postgraduate Certificate in Design.

Transfer from Postgraduate Certificate in Design

10 A student who has passed courses towards the Postgraduate Certificate in Design may apply to reassign those courses to this degree provided that the postgraduate certificate has not been awarded.

Distinction / Honours / Merit

11 This degree may be awarded with Honours, Distinction or Merit in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


12 In exceptional circumstances, Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


13 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Master of Design (MDes) Schedule

A student who has to complete 120 points must satisfy the following requirements:


Research Masters

15 points: DESIGN 700

15 points from DESIGN 701, 704, 705, 711

90 points: DESIGN 794 Thesis

Taught Masters

75 points: DESIGN 709, 710

45 points from DESIGN 700–702, 704–706, 711

A student who has to complete 180 points must satisfy the following requirements:


Research Masters

60 points: DESIGN 700–702

30 points from DESIGN 704–706, 711

90 points: DESIGN 794 Thesis

Taught Masters

135 points: DESIGN 700–702, 709, 710

45 points from DESIGN 704–706, 711
