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Regulations - Creative Arts And Industries

The Degree of Master of Architecture (Professional) and Heritage Conservation – MArch(Prof)HerCons

New admissions into the Master of Architecture (Professional) and Heritage Conservation were suspended in 2024. Students who have a current enrolment in this subject should contact their faculty for advice regarding completion.

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this programme, a student needs to meet the admission requirements for the Degrees of Master of Architecture (Professional) and Master of Heritage Conservation.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries.

Duration and Total Points Value

2 a A student admitted to this degree must pass courses with a total value of 300 points.

b The total enrolment for this degree must not exceed 340 points.

Structure and Content

3 A student enrolled for this degree must complete requirements as listed in the Master of Architecture (Professional) and Heritage Conservation Schedule.

4 A student who has not completed ARCHPRM 305, ARCHTECH 314, 315 or equivalent courses must complete one or both of ARCHPRM 700, ARCHTECH 706 as approved by the Academic Head or nominee.

5 The programme for each student requires the approval of the Head of School of Architecture and Planning.

6 A student enrolled for this degree must, before enrolment in ARCHDES 796, achieve a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher over 120 points in the taught courses of this degree. If this Grade Point Average is not achieved, enrolment in the Master of Architecture (Professional) and Heritage Conservation cannot continue.

7 A student admitted to this programme must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

Deadlines for Completion

8 a A student must complete the requirements for this degree within five semesters if enrolled full-time or ten semesters if enrolled part-time or equivalent.

b A student enrolled in this degree must complete their thesis by the date approved by the Head of School of Architecture and Planning which will be no earlier than the last day of the twelfth week in the final semester of enrolment and no later than the last day of the final semester of enrolment.

c With the approval of the Head of School of Architecture and Planning a student may submit their thesis up to 12 months after the student’s initial enrolment in the thesis if enrolled full-time, or its part-time equivalent.


9 a The thesis is to be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by Senate or its representative.

b The thesis topic and mode of presentation must be approved by the Head of School of Architecture and Planning prior to enrolment in the thesis. The mode of presentation will normally include an exhibition of finished work (including some or all of digital, graphic and/or three-dimensional components) and an oral presentation of the finished work to examiners, supervisors, academic staff and other students in the cohort being examined.

c The exhibition and oral presentation shall be organised by the Head of School of Architecture and Planning in consultation with the faculty student centre.

d The exhibition and oral presentation will be followed by the submission of the thesis.

e Recordings of exhibitions and oral presentations are not deposited in the University Library, nor deposited with the University’s digital repository.

f The thesis is to be completed and submitted in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


10 a A student may reassign courses from this degree to the Master of Architecture (Professional) once.

b A student may reassign courses from this degree to the Master of Heritage Conservation once.

c A student may apply to reassign courses passed for the Master of Architecture (Professional) and Heritage Conservation to the Postgraduate Diploma in Architectural Studies.

d All courses that can be reassigned must be reassigned, including courses not completed.


11 This degree may be awarded with Honours in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


12 In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


13 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Master of Architecture (Professional) and Heritage Conservation (MArch(Prof)HerCons) Schedule


Research Masters

150 points: ARCHDES 700, 702, ARCHGEN 703, ARCHPRM 701, HERCONS 700–703

30 points comprising:

up to 15 points from ARCHDRC 700–703

up to 15 points from ARCHGEN 711–715, 733

up to 15 points from ARCHHTC 700–702, 704

up to 15 points from ARCHPRM 700, 702–705

up to 15 points from ARCHTECH 706–710

up to 15 points from URBDES 702, or another approved 700 level course offered at this University

120 points: ARCHDES 796 Thesis
