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Regulations - Business And Economics

The Degree of Master of Human Resource Management – MHRM

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this programme, a student needs to have completed the requirements for a Bachelors degree from this University deemed relevant by the Programme Director, with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in at least 90 points of the most advanced courses, or have equivalent completed prior study as approved by the Programme Director.

Note: A relevant bachelors degree may be in the humanities, sciences, technology, engineering or other completed study.

Duration and Total Points Value

2 A student admitted to this degree must:

a pass courses with a total value of 180 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 220 points for the total enrolment for this degree.

Structure and Content

3 a A student enrolled for this degree must complete the requirements as listed in the Master of Human Resource Management Schedule.

b A student enrolled for this degree who has been credited for another degree or diploma with any courses the same or similar to those listed for this degree may, at the discretion of the Programme Director, be required to substitute approved additional Part III courses from the Master of Management Schedule for courses required for Part I.

c A student will not normally be permitted to enrol for Part III unless Part I has been completed with a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher.

4 A student must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar in Part I.

5 Cross-credits will not be granted towards the award of the Degree of Master of Human Resource Management.


6 A student who does not meet the requirements for this degree may apply to reassign courses passed to the Postgraduate Diploma in Management or the Postgraduate Certificate in Management.


7 This degree may be awarded with Distinction or Merit in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


8 In exceptional circumstances the Programme Director may approve a personal programme that does not conform to these regulations.


9 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) Schedule


Taught Masters

Part I

60 points from BUSACT 731, BUSMGT 708, 709, 711, 713, 719

Part II

45 points: BUSMGT 726, 762, BUSMGT 763

Part III

45 points: BUSMGT 707, 761, 764

Part IV

30 points: BUSMGT 767
