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Regulations - Business And Economics

The Degree of Master of Commerce – MCom

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this programme, a student needs to have:


a (i) (a) completed the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Auckland or an equivalent qualification approved by Senate or its representative


(b) passed the specified prerequisite courses in the subject intended for this degree with a Grade Point Average of 5 or higher in 45 points above Stage II in that major


(ii) (a) completed the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration from the University of Auckland or an equivalent qualification approved by Senate or its representative


(b) passed at least 90 points above Stage I from courses listed in the Bachelor of Commerce Schedule including at least 45 points above Stage II in the intended subject for this degree


(c) achieved a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in 45 points in the Stage III courses


b (i) (a) completed the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Auckland or an equivalent qualification approved by Senate or its representative


(b) passed the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in the subject intended for this degree with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher over the programme


(ii) (a) completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce from the University of Auckland or an equivalent qualification approved by Senate or its representative


(b) passed the Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce in the subject intended for this degree with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher over the programme.

2 A student who has not completed all the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce but who has:

a passed courses with a total value of at least 330 points for that degree


b passed the specified prerequisite courses as listed in the Master of Commerce Schedule for the intended subject


c achieved a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in 45 points above Stage II in the prerequisite courses may, with the approval of the relevant Head of Department enrol for this degree. The remaining courses for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce must be passed within 12 months of initial enrolment for the Master of Commerce. The Degree of Master of Commerce will not be awarded until the requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce have been completed.

Duration and Total Points Value

3 A student admitted to this degree under Regulation 1a must:

a pass courses with a total value of 180 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 220 points for the total enrolment of this degree.

4 If a student is enrolled in the Late Year Term in points towards the MCom, then this counts as a semester in respect of the time limits specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.

5 A student admitted to this degree under Regulation 1b must:

a pass courses with a total value of 120 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 160 points for the total enrolment for this degree.

Structure and Content

6 a A student enrolled for this degree must complete the requirements for one of the subjects as listed in the Master of Commerce Schedule.

b A student who has to complete 180 points for this degree must achieve a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in the first 60 points of taught courses. If this Grade Point Average is not achieved, enrolment in the Master of Commerce cannot continue.

c A student required to complete 180 points for this degree may substitute up to 30 points from other 700 level courses offered at this University as approved by the Programme Director.

7 A student admitted to this programme must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

Dissertation / Thesis

8 a The dissertation or thesis is to be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by Senate or its representative.

b The dissertation or thesis topic must be approved by the relevant Departmental Postgraduate Committee prior to enrolment.

c The dissertation or thesis is to be completed and submitted in accordance with the General Regulations – Master Degrees, except for students enrolled in a dissertation in the Late Year Term.

Submission of a Dissertation taken in the Late Year Term

9 a A student who has enrolled in a dissertation in the Late Year Term must submit the dissertation by the final Friday of the Late Year Term. If, in exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control, the dissertation has not been able to be completed by this date, Senate or its representative, acting upon the recommendation of the Head of Department, may approve a limited extension of time, not exceeding two months.

b The dissertation is to be submitted in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


10 A student may apply to reassign courses passed for the Master of Commerce to the Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce.


11 This degree may be awarded with Honours in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


12 In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


13 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Master of Commerce (MCom) Schedule

A student who has to complete 120 points must satisfy the requirements for one of the following subjects:



Research Masters

120 points: ACCTG 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


30 points from ACCTG 701, 702, 707–709, 711, 714, 721, 722, 771, BUSINESS 704, 705, 710, 713

30 points: BUSINESS 713, ECON 720

60 points: ACCTG 791 Dissertation


at least 60 points from ACCTG 701, 702, 707–709, 711, 714, 721, 722, 771, BUSINESS 704, 705, 710, 713, ECON 720

up to 15 points from FINANCE 751, 761, 762

45 points: ACCTG 707, ACCTG 790 Research Project

Commercial Law


Research Masters

120 points: COMLAW 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


45 points from BUSINESS 710, INFOGOV 700, 701, 704, 705, LAWCOMM 702, 730–733, 737, 772, 793, 796

15 points: BUSINESS 713

60 points: COMLAW 791 Dissertation


at least 45 points from BUSINESS 710, INFOGOV 700–701, 704, 705, LAWCOMM 702, 730–733, 737, 772, 793, 796

15 points: BUSINESS 713

up to 30 points from courses available in the Master of Commerce Schedule

30 points: COMLAW 780 Research Project



Research Masters

120 points: ECON 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


15 points from ECON 722, 723

45 points from BUSINESS 713, ECON 701, 706, 711, 112, 723, 748, 766, 786

60 points: ECON 791 Dissertation


60 points: BUSINESS 713, ECON 701, 706, 711, 723

at least 30 points from ECON 706, 712, 766, 785

30 points: ECON 787 Research Project



Research Masters

120 points: FINANCE 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


60 points from BUSINESS 713, ECON 720, FINANCE 701, 702, 705, 710, 751, 761, 762

60 points: FINANCE 791 Dissertation


at least 45 points from BUSINESS 713, ECON 720, FINANCE 701, 702, 705, 710, 751, 761, 762

15 points: FINANCE 707

up to 30 points from ACCTG 711, 709 771, and other courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule

30 points: FINANCE 790 Research Project

Global Management and Innovation


Research Masters

120 points: GLMI 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


60 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, 710, 713, GLMI 700–712, 780

60 points: GLMI 791 Dissertation


15 points from GLMI 704, 705

75 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, 710, 713, GLMI 700–712, 780

30 points: GLMI 790 Research Project

Information Systems


Research Masters

120 points: INFOSYS 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


60 points from BUSINESS 713, INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 720, 722, 727, 735, 750, 751, 757

60 points: INFOSYS 791 Dissertation


15 points: INFOSYS 720

30 points: INFOSYS 750, 751

45 points from BUSINESS 713, INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 722, 727, 735, 750, 751, 757

30 points: INFOSYS 790 Research Project



Research Masters

120 points: MKTG 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


30 points from BUSINESS 704 or 705, 710

30 points: MKTG 701, 705

60 points: MKTG 791 Dissertation


at least 30 points from BUSINESS 704 or 705, 710, 713

30 points: MKTG 701, 705

at least 15 points from MKTG 710, 712–715

15 points: MKTG 714

30 points: MKTG 792 Research Project

Operations and Supply Chain Management


Research Masters

120 points: OPSMGT 796 Thesis

Taught Masters


60 points from BUSINESS 713, INFOSYS 750, 751, 757, OPSMGT 700, 741, 752, 760, 766, 780

60 points: OPSMGT 791 Dissertation


15 points: OPSMGT 760

15 points: OPSMGT 752

60 points from BUSINESS 713, INFOSYS 750, 751, 757, OPSMGT 700, 741, 766, 780

30 points: OPSMGT 790 Research Project

A student who has to complete 180 points must satisfy the requirements for one of the following subjects:


Prerequisite: A major in Accounting including ECON 221 or MATHS 208 or STATS 208, or an equivalent course as approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters


30 points: ACCTG 701, BUSINESS 713

15 points: ACCTG 707, BUSINESS 714

15 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, ECON 720

60 points from ACCTG 702, 708, 709, 711, 714, 721, 722, 771

60 points: ACCTG 791 Dissertation


30 points: ACCTG 701, BUSINESS 713

15 points: ACCTG 707

15 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, ECON 720

at least 60 points from ACCTG 702, 708, 709, 711, 714, 721, 722, 771

up to 30 points from courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule and/or FINANCE 751, 761, 762

30 points: ACCTG 790 Research Project


30 points: ACCTG 701, BUSINESS 713

30 points: ACCTG 707, ACCTG 714

15 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, ECON 720

at least 60 points from ACCTG 702, 708, 709, 711, 714, 721, 722, 771

up to 15 points from FINANCE 751, 761, 762, and other courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule

30 points: ACCTG 759 Applied Research Consultancy Project

Commercial Law

Prerequisite: A major in Commercial Law, or equivalent as approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters

LAW 700

and either

45 points: BUSINESS 710, 713, INFOGOV 701

at least 60 points from INFOGOV 700, 704, 705, LAWCOMM 702, 730–733, 737, 772, 793, 796

up to 15 points from courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule

60 points: COMLAW 791 Dissertation


45 points: BUSINESS 710, 713, INFOGOV 701

at least 75 points from INFOGOV 700, 704, 705, LAWCOMM 702, 730–733, 737, 772, 793, 796

up to 30 points from courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule

30 points: COMLAW 780 Research Project


45 points: BUSINESS 710, 713, 714

at least 75 points from INFOGOV 700, 704, 705, LAWCOMM 702, 730–733, 737, 772, 793, 796

up to 30 points from courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule

30 points: COMLAW 759 Applied Research Consultancy Project


Prerequisite: A major in Economics including 45 points from ECON 301, 311, 321, or equivalent courses approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters


45 points: BUSINESS 713, ECON 701, 711

15 points from ECON 722, 723

60 points from ECON 700, 704, 706, 712, 723, 748, 766, 786

60 points: ECON 791 Dissertation


60 points: BUSINESS 713, ECON 701, 711, 723

at least 60 points from ECON 700, 704, 706, 712, 722, 748, 766, 786

up to 30 points from courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule

30 points: ECON 787 Research Project


Prerequisite: A major in Finance including ECON 221 or MATHS 208 or STATS 208, or an equivalent course as approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters


30 points: BUSINESS 713, FINANCE 701

30 points: ECON 720, FINANCE 707

60 points from FINANCE 702, 710, 751, 761, 762

60 points: FINANCE 791 Dissertation


30 points: BUSINESS 713, FINANCE 701

30 points: ECON 720, FINANCE 707

at least 60 points from FINANCE 702, 710, 751, 761, 762

up to 30 points from ACCTG 711, 709–771, and other courses available in the Master of Commerce schedule

30 points: FINANCE 790 Research Project

Global Management and Innovation

Prerequisite: A major in International Business or Management or Innovation and Entrepreneurship, or equivalent as approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters


30 points: BUSINESS 713, 710

15 points from BUSINESS 704, 705

15 points from GLMI 703, 705

at least 30 points from GLMI 701–712

up to 30 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, GLMI 700–712, 780

60 points: GLMI 791 Dissertation


30 points: BUSINESS 713, 710

15 points from GLMI 703, 705

at least 30 points from GLMI 701–712

up to 75 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, GLMI 700–712

30 points: GLMI 790 Research Project


30 points: BUSINESS 713, 714

15 points from GLMI 703, 705

at least 45 points from GLMI 701–712

up to 60 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, GLMI 700–712

30 points: GLMI 759 Applied Research Consultancy Project

Information Systems

Prerequisite: A major in Information Systems including 15 points at Stage II in Statistics, or an equivalent course as approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters


30 points: BUSINESS 713, INFOSYS 751

30 points: INFOSYS 720, 750

60 points from INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 722, 727, 735, 757

60 points: INFOSYS 791 Dissertation


30 points: BUSINESS 713, INFOSYS 751

30 points: INFOSYS 720, 750

at least 60 points from INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 722, 727, 735, 757

up to 30 points from ECON 703, FINANCE 710, MKTG 710, MKTG 712, OPSMGT 741, 752, 766, 780, 700

30 points: INFOSYS 790 Research Project


30 points: BUSINESS 713, 714

15 points: INFOSYS 709

at least 75 points from INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 720, 722, 727, 735, 750, 751, 757

up to 30 points from ECON 703, FINANCE 710, MKTG 710, MKTG 712, OPSMGT 741, 752, 766, 780, 700

30 points: INFOSYS 759 Applied Research Consultancy Project


Prerequisite: A major in Marketing including MKTG 202 or STATS 208, or an equivalent course as approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters


45 points: BUSINESS 704 or 705, 710, 713

30 points: MKTG 701, 705

15 points: MKTG 714

at least 15 points from MKTG 710, 712, 713, 715

up to 15 points from ECON 703, 720, GLMI 706, INFOSYS 700, 703

60 points: MKTG 791 Dissertation


45 points: BUSINESS 704 or 705, 710, 713

30 points: MKTG 701, 705

15 points: MKTG 714

at least 30 points from MKTG 710, 712, 713, 715

up to 30 points from ECON 703, 720, GLMI 706, INFOSYS 700, 703

30 points: MKTG 792 Research Project


45 points: BUSINESS 710, 713, 714

30 points: MKTG 701, 705

15 points: MKTG 715

at least 30 pts from MKTG 710, 712–714

up to 30 points from ECON 703, 720, GLMI 706, INFOSYS 700, 703

30 points: MKTG 759 Applied Research Consultancy Project

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Prerequisite: A major in Operations and Supply Chain Management and BUSAN 200 or INFOMGMT 290 or STATS 208 or 255 or equivalent courses as approved by the Head of Department


Taught Masters


30 points: BUSINESS 713, OPSMGT 752

15 points: OPSMGT 760

15 points from INFOSYS 750, 751

at least 30 points from OPSMGT 700, 741, 766, 780

up to 30 points from INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 722, 727, 735, 750, 751, 757

60 points: OPSMGT 791 Dissertation


30 points: BUSINESS 713, OPSMGT 752

15 points: OPSMGT 760

15 points from INFOSYS 750, 751

at least 60 points from INFOSYS 750, 751, 757, OPSMGT 700, 741, 766, 780

up to 30 points from INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 722, 727, 735

30 points: OPSMGT 790 Research Project


30 points: BUSINESS 713, 714

15 points: OPSMGT 702

at least 60 points from INFOSYS 750, 751, 757, OPSMGT 700, 741, 752, 760, 766, 780

up to 45 points from INFOSYS 700, 703, 704, 706, 722, 727, 735

30 points: OPSMGT 759 Applied Research Consultancy Project
