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Regulations - Business And Economics

The Degree of Master of Business Management – MBM

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Business and Economics.


1 In order to be admitted to this degree, a student must have:

a (i) completed the requirements for a relevant Bachelors degree from this University with a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher in at least 90 points of advanced courses, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


(ii) a completed the requirements for a relevant Bachelors degree from this University, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


b passed 60 points in the Postgraduate Certificate in Business Management from this University with a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher, provided that the postgraduate certificate has not been awarded, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


b (i) completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Commerce honours degree from this University with a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative


(ii) completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Administration or Business Management or Māori Business Development from this University with a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher, or the equivalent as approved by Senate or its representative.

2 In exceptional circumstances, Senate or its representative may approve the admission of a student who has at least three years of extensive, relevant, practical, professional or scholarly experience deemed equivalent to the requirements in Regulation 1.

Note: A relevant degree may be in arts, business, creative arts and industries, education, engineering, health and medical sciences, law, sciences or technology.

Duration and Total Points Value

3 A student admitted to this degree under Regulation 1a or 2 must:

a pass courses with a total value of 180 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 220 points for the total enrolment for this degree.

4 A student admitted to this degree under Regulation 1b must:

a pass courses with a total value of 120 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 160 points for the total enrolment for this degree.

Structure and Content

5 A student who is required to complete 180 points must pass each of Parts I, II and III from one of the specialisations as listed in the Master of Business Management Schedule.

6 A student who is required to complete 120 points must pass each of Parts II and III as listed in the Master of Business Management Schedule.

7 a A student will not normally be permitted to enrol for Part III unless Part II has been completed with a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher. If this Grade Point Average is not achieved, enrolment in the Master of Business Management cannot continue.

b A student who has failed to pass Part II in its entirety may, at the discretion of Senate or its representative, be allowed to enrol for the course or courses needed to complete that Part, together with a course or courses towards Part III.

8 A student must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

9 Where a student has passed a course for a qualification that has been awarded, and such a course is deemed by the Programme Director to be the same as or substantially similar to any course required for this degree, the student must pass an alternative course(s) approved by the Programme Director to complete this degree.

10 Courses selected for this qualification are subject to confirmation by the Programme Director.

Transfer from Postgraduate Certificate in Business Management

11 A student who has passed courses towards the Postgraduate Certificate in Business Management that are available in this degree may apply to reassign those courses to this degree provided that the postgraduate certificate has not been awarded.


12 A student may apply to reassign courses passed to the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management or Postgraduate Certificate in Business Management.


13 This degree may be awarded with Distinction or Merit in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


14 In exceptional circumstances Senate or its representative may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


15 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Master of Business Management (MBM) Schedule

Digital Marketing


Taught Masters

Part I

45 points from BUSMAN 701, 702, 704

15 points from BUSDEV 712, BUSMAN 703

Part II

60 points: BUSMAN 720–723

Part III

60 points: BUSMAN 709, 710, 751

Human Resource Management


Taught Masters

Part I

45 points from BUSMAN 701, 702, 704

15 points from BUSDEV 712, BUSMAN 703

Part II

60 points: BUSMAN 705, 730–732

Part III

60 points: BUSMAN 709, 710, 752

Strategic Management


Taught Masters

Part I

45 points from BUSMAN 701, 702, 704

15 points from BUSDEV 712, BUSMAN 703

Part II

60 points: BUSMAN 705–708

Part III

60 points: BUSMAN 709, 710, 750
