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Courses - Faculty of Science

Data Science

Stage I

15 Points

Data Science for Everyone

Explores how to use data to make decisions through the use of visualisation, programming/coding, data manipulation, and modelling approaches. Students will develop conceptual understanding of data science through active participation in problems using modern data, hands-on activities, group work and projects. DATASCI 100 will help students to build strong foundations in the science of learning from data and to develop confidence with integrating statistical and computational thinking.

Stage III

15 Points

Capstone: Creating Value from Data

A group-based project in which students showcase their skills in collaboratively creating value from data. Within a given data science domain, teams will jointly develop a research question, apply their skills to gather, structure, and analyse data to address the question, and communicate their findings effectively. The insights, their implications, limitations, and future work will be discussed by the group. Each team member will write an individual report about the project.

Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage III in Data Science

Postgraduate 700 Level Courses

30 Points

Data Management

Data management is the practice of collecting, preparing, organising, storing, and processing data so it can be analysed for business decisions. The course will use R and SQL to illustrate the process of data management. This will include principles and best practice in data wrangling, visualisation, modelling, querying, and updating.

Prerequisite: COMPSCI 130, MATHS 108, and 15 points from STATS 101, 108, or equivalent

Restriction: COMPSCI 351, 751, STATS 383, 707, 765

45 Points

15 Points

30 Points

Dissertation - Level 9

To complete this course students must enrol in DATASCI 792 A and B, or DATASCI 792
