Courses - Faculty of Science
Biological Sciences
Stage I
Antarctica: The Frozen Continent
A general introduction to Antarctica and its environs including the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic islands. Emphasis will be placed on the evolution of Antarctica and how resident plants, animals and micro-organisms have adapted to cope with the extreme environment. Specific topics to be addressed include: the history of Antarctic exploration and its impact on the development of Antarctic science, Antarctic ecosystems, Antarctica as a wilderness region, and the impact of humans including the exploitation of resources and the effects of pollution. This course is suitable for students with both science and non-science backgrounds.
Life! Origins and Mechanisms
Questions what life is and explores its machinery. Speculates on how life arose from the flow and capture of solar energy, to power growth, movement, replication and storage of genetic information. Describes how genes interact with environments, and how mutations can be catastrophic or transformational. These processes underpin life as we know it.
Foundations of Biochemistry
An introduction to the core elements of biochemistry, investigating biological processes at the chemical and molecular level. Key themes include the molecular structure of proteins, enzyme kinetics, biochemical energetics, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, nutrition, cell signalling, vision and aspects of plant biochemistry including world food production. These themes provide a framework for discussion of mechanisms underpinning human disease including diabetes and obesity, antibiotic resistance, drug development and plant medicinals.
Biology for Biomedical Science: Cellular Processes
The cellular basis of mammalian form and function. Particular emphasis will be placed on cellular components and processes of blood, neural, muscular, reproductive, immune and supporting systems and how they contribute to the structure and function of the body as a whole.
Biodiversity: Patterns of Life
Knowledge of biodiversity is fundamental to understanding our world. Students will become familiar with biological diversity and whakapapa beginning with viruses and leading through to microbes, plants, fungi and animals. Defining characteristics of major organismal groupings will be highlighted to provide students with an overview of the diversity of life on Earth, and the critical role that kaitiakitanga and maintaining biodiversity has for the future.
Ecology and Evolution: The Continuum of Life
Explores the ecological mechanisms that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms, and the evolutionary mechanisms which drive change over time. Also explores the role of society and mātauranga Māori in recognising and seeking solutions for human-induced environmental change. Course components emphasise critical thinking and scientific communication skills.
Restriction: BIOSCI 104
Stage II
Cellular and Molecular Biology
The fundamental processes of the cell are examined to understand how cells reproduce and use information stored within the genome, express proteins for specific functions, and function within larger tissues. Specific modules examine stem cells, tissues and cellular development, cancer progression and the biology of tumours and the basis of immunity.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 101, and 15 points from BIOSCI 106-109, MEDSCI 142, and 15 points from CHEM 110, 120, 150
The basic principles of mutation, recombination and genetic mapping are established in this course. These principles are developed in a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Laboratory work uses molecular, microbial and eukaryotic material to explore the key features of heredity.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 101 and 15 points from BIOSCI 106-109
Presents core areas of modern biochemistry. Emphasis is on macromolecular structure and function. Areas covered include protein structure, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in humans and other species, metabolism in mammals, proteases and human disease, cholesterol metabolism and transport and signal transduction.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 101, 106 and 15 points from CHEM 110, 120
Principles of Microbiology
An introduction to the diversity, physiology and functions of microorganisms (prokaryotes, eukaryotes, viruses) as individuals and as communities. The fundamental roles of microorganisms in ecosystems, health and disease are considered alongside methods for their isolation and study. Microbial applications in biotechnology, food production, agriculture and industry are also discussed.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 101 and 15 points from BIOSCI 106-109
Plant, Cell and Environment
Unlike animals, plants cannot move to respond to changes in their environment. Plants have evolved diverse signaling systems and the ability to grow towards their essential resources. Explores the intricate ways plants function, how they are able to respond to developmental and environmental signals at the whole plant and cellular level.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 101, 108
Principles of Ecology
An examination of ecosystem processes, factors that affect distribution and interactions of organisms, population ecology, and applications of ecology such as restoration and conservation. The key principles of ecology are taught in a New Zealand context emphasising an experimental approach.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 108, 109 and STATS 101 or 108
Adaptive Form and Function
Investigates the diverse biological adaptations of animals, with a focus on generating adaptive hypotheses and ways to test them. Topics covered include comparative physiology, behavioural ecology, hormones and predator/prey interactions.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 108, and BIOSCI 101 or 109
Invertebrate Diversity
Invertebrates make up over 95 percent of animal species. This course explores the biology of invertebrates with an emphasis on structure, function, life histories, behaviour and ecology. Invertebrate diversity is examined in a variety of environments, using New Zealand examples where possible, and provides the basis for advanced courses in conservation and marine ecology.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 108, and BIOSCI 101 or 109
Evolution and the Origin of Life
Covers basic concepts in evolutionary biology including Darwin and the theory of evolution by natural selection, phylogenetics, population genetics, molecular evolution, speciation and extinction. The extent to which Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection can explain the origins of biological complexity is explored.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 109, and 15 points from BIOSCI 101-108
Quantitative Biology
An introduction to mathematical, statistical and computational literacy as required for contemporary biologists. Topics include fundamentals of experimental design, data exploration and visualisation, model-based inference to process biological data into biological information, comparing statistical models, prediction using mathematical models of biological processes, critical thinking about models and effective communication of findings. Data analysis and generation is taught using the R programming language. Recommended preparation: STATS 101
Prerequisite: 30 points from BIOSCI 101-109
Stage III
Evolution of Genes, Populations and Species
Advanced concepts in evolutionary biology and their application to current research in molecular evolution, population genetics, phylogenetics and organismal evolution. Examples from animals, plants and microbes, as well as topical issues, including speciation, adaptation, co-evolution, sexual selection, conservation, biogeography, genomics, biotechnology and human disease. Recommended preparation: Prior or concurrent enrolment in BIOSCI 202.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 210
Plant Pathology and Symbiosis
Microorganisms and pests form symbioses with plants that are critically importance for horticulture and agriculture. This course examines the biology of plant pathogens, pests, and symbionts. It focuses on plant-microbe interactions at the cellular and molecular level, the epidemiology and control of plant diseases, and the mechanisms through which these interactions are mediated.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 204 or 205
Restriction: BIOSCI 321
Plant Diversity and Function
Plants form the basis of ecosystem food chains and are fundamental to life on Earth. The diversity in land plants from both phylogenetic and functional trait perspectives will be presented, exploring key steps in the evolution of plants and how they interact with their environment. It provides a framework of plant life focussing on the ecologically, economically and culturally important plants of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 108, and BIOSCI 205 or 206
Restriction: BIOSCI 323
Plant Biotechnology for Crops and Health
Plants are vital sources of food, health compounds and shelter. Students will learn how biotechnology is used to understand plant biology and discuss strategies for crop improvement. Topics include plant genomics, molecular breeding, genome editing, gene transfer, the regulatory framework and examples of applications in the food, health, environment and crop sectors.
Prerequisite: 15 points from BIOSCI 202, 203, 205
Restriction: BIOSCI 340
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Harvest and capture of aquatic organisms and inter-relationships with aquaculture. Fisheries and aquaculture are treated not as distinct disciplines but in the context of integrating exploitation and sustainable environmental integrity. Case studies include deep sea and coastal fisheries, and shellfish culture.
Prerequisite: 15 points from BIOSCI 207, 208, MARINE 202
Marine Ecology and Conservation
Patterns and processes in marine ecology and biodiversity are described; including predator-prey interactions, benthic and pelagic habitats, productivity and physiology. Applied aspects include movement ecology, dispersal related to resource availability, disturbance and impacts of resource use e.g., fisheries. Emerging technologies to understand resilience within ecosystems and dispersal will be included.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 206 or MARINE 202, and 15 points from BIOSCI 220, STATS 101, 108
Biology of Marine Organisms
Not only is the earth predominantly oceanic, but higher marine biodiversity occurs on the shallower continental shelf/coastal areas. Students will learn the key groups of marine organisms within New Zealand’s waters. Attention will be given to understanding their diversity, distribution and adaptations to thrive within the dynamic marine environment.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 108, 109 and 15 points from BIOSCI 206, 207, 208
Ecological Physiology
Focuses on the strategies used by animals to cope with physical and biological challenges in the environment. Accordingly, we work at the level of the individual and the interface between physiological, biochemical or molecular approaches on the one hand, and ecology on the other. The adaptive strategies employed by a range of species, with an emphasis on aquatic organisms, in response to physical factors such as temperature, oxygen and food availability, are considered. Energetics and nutrition are emphasised. The course aims to meet the needs of students with ecological interests wishing to recognise the experimental approach to solving problems in environmental biology. The practical work is project oriented rather than laboratory based.
Prerequisite: 15 points from BIOSCI 207, 208
Animal Behaviour
Animal Behaviour Proximate and ultimate causes of behaviour are investigated experimentally in the field and the laboratory. Responses by animals to variations in the physical environment and to other organisms are studied. The development and organisation of behaviour and the theoretical background to topics of current interest are covered, using both New Zealand and overseas examples.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 220, and BIOSCI 207 or 208
Biology of Terrestrial Animals
The animals of Aotearoa and Tāmaki Makaurau are iconic. We explore the biology, diversity and whakapapa of our native invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Along with a detailed coverage of biology, we focus on practical techniques for sampling and identifying species. This course involves both fieldwork (with the option to conduct this either on campus, or on an overnight fieldtrip) and labwork and training in using biodiversity data for hypothesis testing and scientific communication.
Prerequisite: 15 points from BIOSCI 206-208
Restriction: BIOSCI 320
Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
The ecology and physiology of micro-organisms in natural and engineered environments. Key themes include marine microbiology, the importance of microbial symbioses to life on Earth, and contemporary research methods in microbiology. Processes such as wastewater treatment and the production of bioactives are used to emphasise exploitation of microbial metabolism for environmental biotechnology purposes.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 204 or MEDSCI 202
Applied Microbiology
Microorganisms and microbial-derived products have been used by humans for millennia. Explores the interface of microorganisms and engineering, including how microorganisms interact with food products in beneficial and unfavourable ways, identifying and utilising microorganisms to produce chemicals, therapeutics, and materials and how to use innovative methods to engineer microorganisms to perform novel functions or produce novel products.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 204 or MEDSCI 202
Biomedical Microbiology
The molecular biology of micro-organisms affecting human health. The characteristics of microbial pathogens, the origins of virulence, and the development of infectious disease. Routes of infection, evasion of host immune responses, and host-pathogen interactions. The molecular basis for vaccination and anti-microbial therapy, and the development of resistance to treatment.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 201 and either BIOSCI 204 or MEDSCI 202
Protein Structure and Function
The relationship of molecular structure to protein function will be emphasised. Techniques for the purification, characterisation, production of native and recombinant proteins and three-dimensional structure determination will be combined with a description of protein structure. Specific groups of proteins will be selected to illustrate structure/function relationships and protein evolution.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 201, 203
Molecular Genetics
The analysis of genetic material in prokaryotes, viruses, yeast, plants and humans is addressed. The means by which genetic information is transferred and the mechanisms underlying genome diversity will be examined, together with the study of eukaryote genomes at the level of chromosome structure and organisation. The molecular mechanisms underpinning selected inherited human disorders will be discussed as well as the role of model species in understanding normal and perturbed biological pathways.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 201, 202
Molecular and Cellular Regulation
The molecular mechanisms which mediate intracellular sorting and targeting of biologically active molecules and the networks of intracellular and extracellular signals which regulate cell function form the focus of this course. The roles of growth factors, oncogenes, plasma membrane receptors, nuclear receptors, ion channels and membrane transporters are emphasised.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 201, 203
Genomics and Genome Biology
Biological information is coded in and expressed from genomes. This course explores methods for detecting structural and functional elements of genomes, plus the wider genome biology of eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems. Students will learn how genomic data is generated and analysed, how genomes evolve, and how genomic information is expressed and regulated.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 202
Restriction: BIOINF 301, BIOSCI 354
Developmental Biology and Cancer
Molecular, cellular and genetic aspects of normal and abnormal development focusing on a variety of model systems including drosophila, the zebrafish and the mouse. Molecular events underlying the development of body form, the differentiation of specific tissues such as the blood, and abnormalities of development which contribute to diseases of the body such as cancer. Implications of transgenic techniques on development.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 201
Nutritional Science
The scientific basis of nutrition focusing on its biochemistry and physiology in health and disease. Nutritional aspects of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and trace nutrients are covered in an integrated manner. The methodologies which underpin nutritional science and its applications are included. Reference will be made to a broad range of examples, and a number of specific nutritional topics of current interest will also be included.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 203
Terrestrial Ecology and Conservation
Explores theoretical ecology from populations to ecosystems. Applies ecological theory to conservation management through a cross-disciplinary lens in the context of social and cultural values. Students will test theoretical hypotheses in the field, conduct an ecological site assessment for conservation management and learn to use population viability analysis to assess risks to threatened populations.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 206, 220
Pacific Biogeography and Biodiversity
Island biogeography and insular biodiversity across the Pacific. A multi-disciplinary approach involving the study of both plant and animal systematics and biogeography.
Prerequisite: BIOSCI 109 or GEOG 101
Capstone: Biology: The Science of the 21st Century
Major advances in biology have added immensely to the understanding of our world. These advancements will continue, and biological science will influence our future lives and world. Students will enhance their scientific skills by envisioning the innovative future of biology, and its likely cultural, political and economic impacts, globally, and within the context of Aotearoa and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage III in Biological Sciences
Postgraduate 700 Level Courses
Students will learn advanced computational methods for inferring phylogenetic trees and studying macroevolutionary processes, including phylogenetic dating, coalescence, epidemic phylogeography, and estimation of ancestral traits and biogeography. Relevant skills in computation (BEAST, command-line programs, R) and statistics (Bayesian methods, model-based inference) will also be taught.
Restriction: BIOINF 702
Practical Approaches in Genomics - Level 9
Genomics provides insights into the diversity, evolution, adaptation and function of organisms. Students will complete a research project to apply the advanced practical aspects of genomics across taxa and topics such as conservation, health and ecosystem function. Recommended preparation: BIOSCI 322, 351 or 355 or equivalent.
Restriction: BIOINF 701
Modelling Biological Processes
Modelling and simulation are increasingly important aspects of the biological sciences. A variety of biological modelling approaches are introduced through a series of practical exercises to build and analyse models of biological processes. Topics include modelling in ecology and systems biology, agent-based modelling of complex biological systems, and molecular dynamics of biological molecules.
Restriction: BIOINF 703
Practical Applications of Cell Analysis - Level 9
Application of highly specialised technologies for cell analysis relevant to a wide range of biotechnology-based disciplines including immunology, infectious diseases, stem cells, neuroscience and cancer. Advanced skill development in technologies including high dimensional flow cytometry, cell sorting and microscopy/imaging.
Marine Ecology
The ocean covers 70% of the surface area of Earth, provides 50% of the oxygen and much of the food consumed. This course considers marine ecology at the local, hemispheric and global levels with a focus on habitat and ecosystem connectivity and the impacts of anthropogenic change.
Ecological Physiology
Physiological and biochemical processes enable animals to occupy diverse habitats. Highly variable and extreme environments provide an opportunity to study the functional attributes of animals, particularly ectotherms, with respect to their metabolic, respiratory, and nutritional adaptations. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 335 or equivalent is assumed.
Current assessment of the national and global status of aquaculture and consideration of future prospects. Examples of aquaculture in New Zealand are examined and a review of general environmental and biological problems and the role of scientific knowledge in aquaculture management. A sound knowledge of BIOSCI 328 or equivalent is assumed.
Evolutionary Biology
A contemporary approach to central issues in evolutionary biology including mechanisms that produce macroevolutionary patterns. Current research using phylogenetic methods for testing evolutionary hypotheses will be discussed, encompassing the role of selection, the origin of mutations, and concepts of heredity. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 322 or equivalent is assumed.
Entomology and Biosecurity
More than half of all described species are insects, and even more species await discovery and description. Insects at every trophic level above plants dominate terrestrial and freshwater food chains. Examines the evolution of insects, the importance of their role in terrestrial ecosystems, and the problems posed by insects as biosecurity invaders in non-native environments. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 320 or 338 or equivalent is assumed.
Examines the patterns of animal and plant distribution, and the processes that influence these patterns. Topics covered include equilibrium theory, island succession, vicariance and dispersal, insular speciation, and human migration and colonisation. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 395 or equivalent is assumed.
Molecular Evolution and Conservation Genomics
Using the molecular archive to address ecological and evolutionary questions. Provides a broad theoretical and practical basis for undertaking studies in fields ranging from conservation genetics/genomics and connectivity, and biosecurity and forensics, to phylogenetics and molecular evolution. Topics may include the neutral theory of molecular evolution, molecular identification of species, gene flow, selection at the molecular level, and inbreeding depression.
Terrestrial Plant Ecology
Plants form the autotrophic basis of terrestrial food chains and their distribution, diversity and abundance is a critical determinant of ecosystem functioning. Topics covered include both plant population ecology – including population growth and structure, seed and seedling dynamics, and life history strategies – and community ecology – including vegetation structure, dynamics, and species interactions. Methods to survey, analyse, and model plant populations and communities will also be discussed.
Advanced Behavioural Ecology
Focuses on organisms interacting in natural environments. Both the mechanistic underpinnings of behaviour and the fitness consequences of such behavioural traits will be examined. Behavioural ecology is not limited to questions of behaviour, but draws in issues of energetics and physiology as these factors are often used as proxies for fitness traits such as differences in survival and reproduction. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 337 or equivalent is assumed.
Microbial Genomics and Metabolism
Cross-disciplinary issues involved in the understanding of microbial genome structure, gene regulation and metabolism. Includes: the genetic basis of microbial interactions and horizontal gene transfer, the effect of stress and mutation on microbial and viral evolution and modern approaches used to link gene sequence to biological function and phenotypes.
High Resolution Imaging of Biological Molecules
X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy are two of the principal techniques used by biologists to determine molecular structure. The theory and practice of X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy, including a laboratory component where 3D structure are determined from experimental data, are addressed. Accessible to students with a variety of backgrounds, including Biology, Bioengineering, Chemistry and Physics. This course complements CHEM 738 and BIOSCI 757.
Advanced Biological Data Analysis
Building on a strong foundation in quantitative biology, fundamental statistical methods and basic R programming, students will learn an array of advanced biostatistical methods for data analysis. Topics covered include: data wrangling, methods for the analysis of designed experiments, regression analysis, including mixed effect models, and the analysis of multivariate data, including advanced supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. Requires students to apply their knowledge across a myriad of complex biological datasets.
Dialogues in Biology
Social, ethical and other philosophical issues in the life sciences will be debated and explored. Topics may include: animal and environmental ethics, conservation and biodiversity, the history and philosophy of science, ethical and commercial issues underpinning science, scientific publishing and advocacy, medical and agricultural biotechnology.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Explores recent advances in microbial biotechnology across the environmental, industrial and medical sectors, highlighting the diversity and complexity of applications. Features of experimental design and data analysis will be discussed. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 348 or equivalent is assumed.
The Molecular Machinery of The Cell
The experimental investigation and modelling of protein behaviour at the molecular level, in order to explain cellular biology and facilitate protein engineering. Topics addressed may include binding, transport, catalysis, chemical modification, and dynamics. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 350 or equivalent is assumed.
Biosecurity and Invasion Biology
The science of invasion biology, including stages of the invasion process and ecological interactions between species. The impacts of invasive alien species in different ecosystems. Population and community ecology, in relation to biosecurity.
Weed and Pest Management
Techniques for the management of invasive plants and animals (vertebrates and invertebrates) in different ecosystem types, including terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Approaches to the prevention, control and eradication of invasive species in different situations.
The roles of microbial communities (microbiomes) and current research methods to study these are considered in different contexts including the environment (natural and biotechnological systems) and the human microbiome. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 347 or equivalent is assumed.
Plant-microbial Interactions
Addresses selected topics in plant microbial interactions. Modern research on issues relating to plant pathogens and biosecurity, plant disease spread (epidemiology) and plant-microbial interactions (both pathogenic and mutualistic) will be investigated and discussed. A basic understanding of microbiology and molecular biology is assumed.
Plant Genomics and Biotechnology
How genomics and gene transfer technologies could be used to achieve improved plant growth and to develop food with new traits. Includes: plant genomics methods, engineering fruit colour, control of fruit ripening and texture, biotechnology project design. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 354 or 340 or 326 or equivalent is assumed.
Synthesis of Plant Products and Foods
Includes the biosynthesis of: selected plant cell-wall components important in dietary fibre or biomass for the production of biofuels, including lignins, cellulose or non-cellulosic polysaccharides; antioxidant pigments in food plants and their possible impacts on human health. The manipulation of nitrogen assimilation in plants to increase the yield and quality of agricultural and horticultural plant products. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 340 or equivalent is assumed.
Plant Genomes and Gene Expression
The analysis of plant genomes and regulation of gene expression in plant biology. Includes: inferences from whole plant genome sequences, genetic control of nitrogen fixation, uptake and use, flowering time, hormone signalling pathways, sugar metabolism and its regulation. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 354 or 340 or 326 or equivalent is assumed.
Genomics and Gene Expression
The analysis of genomes and gene expression as a means of understanding biological processes. Aspects of functional and chemical genomics will be presented, as well as gene expression profiling using microarray technology. In terms of the latter, features of experimental design and data analysis will be discussed in the context of disease and developmental processes. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 351 or equivalent is assumed.
Molecular Form, Function and Design
Biological systems highlight a complex interplay of thousands of molecules. Reviews fundamental studies focusing on molecular structure and function (structural biology), and designer molecules with applications in nanotechnology and biomedicine. Topics may include: enzyme evolution and engineering, protein design and assembly, rational drug and vaccine discovery, and protein structure and dynamics.
Development, Differentiation and Disease
A critical analysis of normal and perturbed gene expression in selected model organisms as a means of understanding biological pathways and disease processes. Includes the development and use of transgenic organisms as models for human disease. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 356 or equivalent is assumed.
Cell and Molecular Biomedicine
Explores recent advances in cell biology that have led to a greater understanding of a variety of cellular processes at the molecular level. Emphasis will be placed on biochemical and genetic approaches to understand disease mechanisms at the cellular level. A sound understanding of either BIOSCI 349 or 353 or MEDSCI 314 or equivalent is assumed.
Exploration of key concepts and processes that form the professional discipline of biosystematics. Introduction and familiarisation with advanced concepts in biosystematics, and knowledge of methods to manage biosystematics collections, to develop accessible biodiversity databases, and to study and characterise biodiversity. Previous experience with basic taxonomic principles and the systematics of a taxonomic group is desirable.
Research Practice - Level 9
Students will complete an advanced literature review to produce a research output that applies their knowledge to a novel context or application. Students will develop skills to synthesise and communicate their research output including the significance, potential limitations and context within the wider discipline to an academic audience using both written and verbal platforms.
Restriction: BIOSCI 762, ENVSCI 701, MEDSCI 701
BSc(Hons) Dissertation Proposal - Level 9
A review of the literature associated with the dissertation topic and an outline of the proposed research and its significance. Students will also be required to present an overview of the proposal in a seminar.
Professional Applications of Ecology
Exploration of key concepts that form the professional discipline of ecology. Introduction and familiarisation with relevant policy, advanced ecological community and population survey and monitoring, use of Geographic Information Science (GIS) and remote sensing, accessing biosystematics resources, data management, effective engagement with mana whenua, and effective communication skills. Some previous knowledge of ecology is desirable.
Human Virology
The COVID-19 pandemic was a global health crisis without parallel in the modern era and has evoked an unprecedented scientific response. Explores aspects of virus biology to illustrate principles of emergence, transmission and disease caused by viruses with pandemic potential and discusses how emerging pandemics can reshape our ability to respond to future viral threats with pandemic potential.
Translating Biomedical Science into Therapeutic Strategies
Explores the research involved in development of currently available and potential future cell based biomedical therapeutics. The challenges and wider societal issues which need to be considered when conducting this research will be discussed. Emphasis will also be placed on guiding students as they develop their critical evaluation and communication skills.
Global Change Ecology
Discusses the profound impacts global change processes have on ecological systems, including climate change, land use change, biodiversity loss and changes in biogeochemical cycles. Covers the complex concepts of global change and approaches for planning and mitigation. Some previous knowledge of ecology is desirable.
BSc(Hons) Dissertation in Biological Sciences - Level 9
Restriction: BIOSCI 789
To complete this course students must enrol in BIOSCI 788 A and B, or BIOSCI 788